Vol 97, No 5 (2021)
- Year: 2021
- Published: 23.12.2021
- Articles: 10
- URL: https://vestnikdv.ru/jour/issue/view/93
- DOI: https://doi.org/10.25208/vdv.975
Full Issue
Genetic markers for psoriatic arthritis among patients with psoriasis. Part II: HLA genes
Psoriatic arthritis often leads to the development of severe outcomes — ankylosis, deformities of the affected joints with severe impairment of their functions and disability. Early identification of patients with psoriasis with an increased risk of developing psoriatic arthritis for the purpose of its timely diagnosis and early initiation of therapy can prevent the development of severe disease outcomes. It is believed that the genes of the HLA system make the greatest individual genetic contribution to the formation of a predisposition to hereditary diseases with polygenic inheritance. The literature review considers the polymorphisms of the genes of the HLA system, associated with the development of psoriatic arthritis, in patients with psoriasis. The HLA alleles that contribute to the development of psoriatic arthritis and its individual forms have been identified. HLA alleles have been identified, which have a protective effect against the development of psoriatic arthritis.

Revisiting the question of psoriasis classification
Currently there are a large number of psoriasis classifications, slightly different from each other, used worldwide. Some of these classifications contain the disease forms allocated descriptively, without the pathogenesis characteristics in their basis. Among the dermatologists, there is lack of common understanding of various psoriasis forms peculiarities. And that affects both the diagnostic process and the approaches to therapy. The authors propose a revised unified clinical classification of psoriasis, including psoriatic arthritis. This method reflects the up-to-date view on the classification of psoriasis in Russia and globally.

Long-wavelength ultraviolet A (UVA-1) phototherapy for the treatment of patients with atopic dermatitis
One of the methods of therapy for atopic dermatitis is long-wavelength ultraviolet therapy A (UVA-1- therapy). This review aims to provide the mechanisms of action of UVA-1-therapy an overview about the effectiveness of UVA-1-therapy in patients with atopic dermatitis taking into account factors that can affect the effectiveness of treatment — radiation dose, skin phototype of patients, concomitant drug therapy. The available data on a decrease in the severity of atopic dermatitis as a result of the course of UVA-1-therapy and on a decrease in the severity of itching in patients are presented. The data on the rate of onset of the therapeutic effect of UVA-1-therapy and the duration of its maintenance are considered. The safety of UVA-1-therapy is discussed, and the most frequent undesirable effects — a feeling of warmth, fever, itching, hyperpigmentation, are given. The possibility of developing side effects requiring discontinuation of treatment is assessed. The data obtained indicate the effectiveness and safety of the UFA-1-radiation in the treatment of patients with moderate-to-severe atopic dermatitis.

Modern understanding of the pathogenesis of basal cell skin cancer
The incidence of basal cell skin cancer is increasing worldwide. The initiation and progression of basal cell skin cancer is due to the interaction of environmental factors and the patient's genetic characteristics. Aberrant activation of the transmission of the Hedgehog signaling pathway is the main pathogenetic pathway of carcinogenesis.
Since basal cell skin cancer is manifested by significant variability of morphological structure, aggressiveness and response to treatment, the disclosure of the molecular genetics of pathogenesis will become the basis for developing new approaches and increasing the effectiveness of treatment, as well as overcoming tumor resistance to treatment.
To search for the necessary literature, the PubMed, MedLine, Web of Science and RSCI databases were used.

Normalization of the epidermal barrier as a method of pathogenetic therapy of Atopic Dermatitis in children
Background. A key link in the pathogenesis of atopic dermatitis is a violation of the barrier function of the skin. Artificial skin moisturizing with emollients is the basis of palliative therapy for the disease.
Aims. The purpose of the study was to assess the effectiveness and tolerability of the cosmetic product Admera.
Materials and methods. The article presents the results of an open non-comparative prospective observational study of the efficacy and safety of Admera cream in pediatric patients with mild to moderate atopic dermatitis, conducted at the Pierre Wolkenstein Clinic for Skin Diseases in June-August 2020.
Results. The study included 35 patients aged 4 to 17 years. The study included 35 patients aged 4 to 17 years inclusive. The clinical study demonstrated a statistically significant decrease in the Severity scoring of atopic dermatitis (SCORAD) index total score. The average value of this indicator decreased by 33% from the value 36.2 ± 12.3 at the screening visit to 24.2 ± 11.4 at the visit 3 (p < 0.001). Assessment of the dynamics of the Eczema area and severity index (EASI) index showed a significant decrease in the total score of the indicator after 14 and 28 days of therapy relative to the baseline (p < 0.001). The cosmetic product studied was well tolerated by patients. During the present study, 3 adverse events were reported in 2 patients. According to expert opinion, the recorded undesirable phenomena were not associated with the application of the studied cosmetic product. Reported adverse events were gastrointestinal disorders and included cases of diarrhea, abdominal pain and at the end of the study completely
Conclusions. Evaluation of the results of the study showed high efficacy and safety of the study drug as a moisturizing agent: four-week therapy leads to a decrease in the severity of Atopic dermatitis manifestations, a decrease in the intensity of pruritus, an increase in the level of skin hydration in the T-zone and on the patient's body.

The correlation of clinical and psychological characteristics of women seeking cosmetic help
Background. Patients seeking cosmetic help, most commonly, haven`t only defects in appearance, in particular, facial skin, but also experience certain psychological problems in this regard. On the other hand, the reaction to the performed cosmetic correction of the mentioned defects depends, including on the patients psychological characteristics. The study of the correlation between clinical and psychological characteristics should contribute to the individualization of the cosmetological correction process and optimization of the patient life quality.
Aims. To establish the correlation between age, clinical and psychological characteristics of women with cosmetic problems of the facial skin.
Materials and methods. Using the methods of psychological diagnostics, we examined 110 women who received cosmetic assistance. Semi-quantitative method was used to assess the cosmetic problem intensity, the duration of its existence and the effect of the correction performed. Clinical and psychological research was carried out using the author's structured interview, which questions were aimed at fixing both the formal social positions of the patients and the characteristics of the system of significant relationships. Psychometric research was carried out using standardized questionnaires in order to identify a wide range of personality characteristics. In the course of statistical processing of the results, a frequency analysis of the gradations of nominative and rank signs was carried out using Pearson's χ2, as well as a correlation analysis of clinical and psychological characteristics using the Spearman ρ-test.
Results. The author traced the statistical correlation between the degree of manifestation of the cosmetic problem and its influence on the psychological state of patients, as well as between the degree of their satisfaction with its solution and a number of personal characteristics and attitudes.
Conclusions. The assumption was confirmed that the effect of treatment is determined not only by clinical factors and the possibilities of modern cosmetology, but also by psychological factors, among which the motivational orientation and activity of the individual, which form the basis of patient compliance, are of decisive importance.

Yellow nail syndrome
Yellow nail syndrome is an extremely rare syndrome, mainly in people over 50 years of age, occurring both systemically and in isolation and requiring the most careful collection of anamnesis, since this condition has a close relationship with respiratory diseases, malignant neoplasms of internal organs and rheumatoid arthritis. Moreover, this rare disease is not sufficiently studied to fully understand its pathogenesis and effective treatment. Patients pay attention to the yellow color of the nails, associated with the deposition of melanin, bile pigments and hemosiderin in the submarginal space, slowing down the growth and thickening of the nail. It should be noted that the change in the nail plates can be observed long before the other clinical manifestations of this syndrome are detected, and probably this can in some cases serve as a harbinger of incipient changes in the lung tissue, neoplasms and changes in the lymphatic vessels. In this regard, it is extremely important to clearly differentiate this condition and refer patients to related specialists for verification of the diagnosis and further treatment.

Experience Professional dermatomycosis of the face, neck and upper part of chest caused by T. mentagrophytes
A 43-year-old female zoologist has an occupational dermatomycosis of the face, neck and upper part of chest caused by T. mentagrophytes. It was mistakenly diagnosed and treated as "Rosacea, papulopustular subtype, ocular rosacea" for 1.5 years. Symmetrical, atypical clinical manifestations with recurrent blepharoconjunctivitis developed as a result of self-treatment using a topical steroid. The detection of cicatrizing folliculitis in the eyebrow area and an arcual peripheral edge in fresh foci on the chest helped to suspect dermatomycosis. The definitive diagnosis was made after the detection of abundant coarse septate mycelium during microscopic investigation of skin scales from foci on the face and chest with 30% KOH and an abundant growth of Trichophyton mentagrophytes during a cultural research study of skin scales, eyebrow hair and eyelashes from lesions. The use of terbinafine for 4 weeks led to the recovery of the patient.

Anemia in early congenital syphilis
The determination of blood parameters allowed us to establish that anemia develops in a number of infectious diseases, which is called "anemia of inflammation" or anemia of chronic diseases. The article presents a rare clinical case of the development of anemia of the inflammatory response, accompanied by a marked decrease in the content of hemoglobin (less than 110 g/l), hematocrit (less than 30%) and red blood cells (less than 3,0 х 1012/l), in a child with early congenital syphilis with symptoms of: specific rhinitis, papular infiltration, pemphigus, hepatosplenomegaly and damage to the nervous system. As a result of specific treatment with water-soluble benzylpenicillin salt at the rate of 100 U/kg of body weight for 28 days, and transfusion of erythrocyte mass of 15 ml/kg of child weight, there was a parallel regression of clinical manifestations of syphilis with positive dynamics of serological reactions and restoration of the number of red blood cells and the concentration of hemoglobin in the blood.

Experience of using ustekinumab in the treatment of a patient with HIV-associated psoriasis and anogenital warts
The article presents an analysis of the literature of patients with HIV infection suffering from psoriasis. The clinical picture, laboratory data, and treatment of a patient suffering from psoriasis, psoriatic arthritis, anogenital venereal warts associated with HIV infection are described. Against the background of the use of an IL 12.23 inhibitor, regression of anogenital warts, resolution of psoriatic rashes, and relief of articular syndrome were noted.