Vol 90, No 6 (2014)
- Year: 2014
- Published: 24.12.2014
- Articles: 22
- URL: https://vestnikdv.ru/jour/issue/view/6
Vestnik dermatologii i venerologii - videre majus guiddam. On the 90th anniversary of the journal
Vestnik dermatologii i venerologii. 2014;90(6):20-25

Molecular markers of the risk of development of skin cancer in psoriasis patients receiving a phototherapy
State Research Center of Dermatovenereology and Cosmetology, Ministry of Healthcare of the Russian Federation Korolenko str., 3, bldg 6, Moscow, 107076, Russia Goal. To study potential molecular and genetic markers of an increased risk of development of malignant skin melanomas on the basis of the assessment of nucleotide replacements of genes in the excision system of DNA repair in psoriasis patients receiving a phototherapy. Materials and methods. Biological blood samples taken from 47 psoriasis patients, 24 patients with malignant skin melanomas and 20 healthy subjects. The following methods were used in the study: clinical, molecular and biological (DNA extraction, amplification, PcR, sequencing). Results. The study revealed molecular markers of an increased risk of development of malignant skin melanomas in psoriasis patients: CC genotype of the XPD gene at the 35931 locus (p = 0.00001); TC genotype of the XPF gene at the 27945 locus (p = 0.0067). It also revealed a molecular marker of an increased risk of development of malignant skin melanomas in healthy people: CC genotype of the XPD gene at the 35931 locus (p = 0.0042).
Vestnik dermatologii i venerologii. 2014;90(6):62-68

Prevalence of genetic risk factors of psoriasis among the population of the Russian Federation
Goal. To assess the prevalence of polymorphisms of genes of the predisposition to psoriasis among the population of the Russian Federation. Materials and methods. The authors examined 546 psoriasis patients and 206 healthy people. The polymorphism of the following genes was assessed: genes encoding proteins of the signaling pathway of the nuclear transcription factor kappa-B - NF-κΒ (NFKBI, TRAF3IP2, TNFAIP3, REL, TYK2, TNIP1, IL-28RA) responsible for congenital immunity; genes participating in the IL-23 signaling pathway responsible for adaptive immunity (IL-23R, IL-12B); genes participating in the presentation of the antigen (ERAP1); genes responsible for skin barrier dysfunction (SERPINB8 ZNF313, ZNF816A). Peripheral blood leucocytes served as the DNA source. Polymorphisms of IL-23R, IL-28RA, SERPINB8, TRAF3IP2, TNFAIP3, REL, ZNF313, IL-12B, TNIP1, ZNF816A, ERAP1 genes were determined by the real-time PCR method; polymorphisms of NFKBI, TYK2 genes were determined by the RFLP assay (Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism). Results. In psoriasis patients in the Russian Federation, statistically significant differences in the distribution of allele frequencies were determined for IL-23R-G/G, IL-23R-A/A, TRAF3IP2-A/A, TRAF3IP2-G/G, TNFAIP3-A/C, TNFAIP3-A/A, ZNF313-C/C, TYK2-T/T, TYK2-T/G, TNIP1-G/G, TNIP1-A/G, REL-A/A, ERAP1-G/G genotypes.
Vestnik dermatologii i venerologii. 2014;90(6):69-76

Inflammation and itching in patients suffering from atopic dermatitis and psoriasis. Assessment of the expression of neurotrophins аnd neuropeptides
Goal. To assess the expression of neurotrophin, a nerve growth factor, amphiregulin, an epidermal growth factor, semaphorin 3A, a nerve repulsion factor, and PGP9.5 protein, a nerve fiber marker, in the skin of patients suffering from atopic dermatitis and psoriasis. Materials and methods. The study involved 30 patients suffering from atopic dermatitis and 30 patients suffering from psoriasis vulgaris. The disease severity was assessed by SCORAD and PASI. The extent of itching was assessed by the visual analogue scale. The expression of amphiregulin, semaphorin 3A (a nerve growth factor) and PGP9.5 protein (a nerve fiber marker) in the skin of patients was assessed by the indirect immunofluorescence method. Quantitative parameters of their expression were assessed by using the basic pack of the Olympus Fluoview software, Ver. 1.7b. Results. Increased epidermal innervation was revealed in the patients suffering from atopic dermatitis and psoriasis, which demonstrates an increased skin production of anti-inflammatory neuropeptides and reduced itching sensitivity threshold. A positive correlation between the itching extent and skin expression of neurotrophin (a nerve growth factor) was revealed in the patients with atopic dermatitis. In patients with severe psoriasis, an increased skin expression of amphiregulin, an epidermal growth factor, was discovered. Conclusion. These data demonstrate a pathogenic value of neurotrophin, a nerve growth factor, for the development of itching in patients with atopic dermatitis and amphiregulin in case of psoriasis vulgaris.
Vestnik dermatologii i venerologii. 2014;90(6):77-85

ТрF1 - a new potential antigen for serological diagnostics of latent forms of syphilis
The current diagnostics of sexually transmitted diseases is focused on the search for new diagnostically important antigens, especially antigens of T. pallidum that causes syphilis. This article describes the recovery of the recombinant protein TpF1, a cytoplasmic bacterioferritin of T. pallidum, and a study of its immunogenicity in blood serum samples taken from patients with different forms of syphilis and from healthy volunteers. The authors performed a heterologous expression of the TpF1 protein in E. coli cells and purified the recovered TpF1 by means of metal-chelate affinity chromatography. The recombinant TpF1 was further used as an antigen for the determination of specific IgG for this protein in serum samples taken from patients suffering from primary, secondary and early/late latent forms of syphilis. According to the study results, anti-TpF1 antibodies are present at all stages of syphilis yet the level of such antibodies revealed in the groups of patients suffering from secondary, early and late latent forms of syphilis was statistically significantly different from the level of antibodies in the group of healthy volunteers. The greatest difference was observed in the groups of latent syphilis. These data characterize the TpF1 protein as a promising antigen for the diagnostics of syphilis, and TpF1 can also be considered as a potential antigen for the differential diagnostics of latent forms of syphilis.
Vestnik dermatologii i venerologii. 2014;90(6):86-92

Dynamics of the sensitivity of N. gonorrhoeae strains found in the territory of the Russian Federation in 2010-2013 to antimicrobial drugs used for the treatment of gonococcal infection
Goal of the study. To study the sensitivity of N. gonorrhoeae strains found in the territory of the Russian Federation in 2010- 2013 to antimicrobial drugs. Materials and methods. During the monitoring of antibiotic resistance of N. gonorrhoeae in 2010-2013, phenotypic properties of N. gonorrhoeae strains to antimicrobial drugs (penicillin, tetracycline, ciprofloxacin, spectinomycin, azithromycin and ceftriaxone) were examined by the agar serial dilution technique. As many as 1,305 viable N. gonorrhoeae strains from different regions of the russian Federation were examined. The results were evaluated according to the criteria such as CLSI (Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institution) and EUCAST (European Committee for Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing). The results were processed by using the WHONET software, version 5.4. Results. According to the results of a study of N. gonorrhoeae antibiotic resistance, N. gonorrhoeae is highly resistant to penicillin (in 2010 - 72.4%, in 2011 - 50.6%, in 2012 - 51.2%, in 2013 - 49.3%), to tetracycline (in 2010 - 68.5%, in 2011 - 55%, in 2012 - 61.9%, in 2013 - 49.3%) and ciprofloxacin (in 2010 - 56.2%, in 2011 - 37.1%, in 2012 - 35%, in 2013 - 24.6%) for the entire observation period without any substantial trend towards its reduction. During studies of the resistance of the gonococcal infection pathogen to spectinomycin, the share of non-sensitive strains to the antibiotic reduced from 16.7% in 2010 to 0.7% in 2013. A slight reduction in the share of non-sensitive N. gonorrhoeae strains to azithromycin was also observed (in 2010 - 15.3%, in 2011 - 25.3%, in 2012 - 17.5%, in 2013 - 9.9%) yet these data substantially exceed the level recommended by the WHO for prescribing an antimicrobial therapy. A high level of N. gonorrhoeae sensitivity to ceftriaxone (100%) was revealed in 2010-2013. Conclusions. According to the analysis of resistance of N. gonorrhoeae strains to antimicrobial drugs found in the territory of the russian Federation in 2010-2013, there is a trend towards the reduction in the number of non-sensitive N. gonorrhoeae strains to penicillin, tetracycline, ciprofloxacin, spectinomycin and azithromycin, which can confirm the efficacy of the Neisseria gonorrhoeae antibiotic resistance monitoring measures taken by State research Center of Dermatovenereology and Cosmetology since 2002.
Vestnik dermatologii i venerologii. 2014;90(6):93-99

Particular features of clinical manifestations of the gonococcal infection and tactics for treating the disease in view of the antibiotic sensitivity of N. gonorrhoeae in the Arkhangelsk region
Goal of the study. To examine clinical manifestations of the gonococcal infection and determine the tactics for treating the disease in view of the antibiotic sensitivity of N. gonorrhoeae strains obtained from patients suffering from the gonococcal infection in the Arkhangelsk region. Study materials. Patients suffering from the gonococcal infection (14,502 male and 4,135 female patients); 254 N. gonorrhoeae strains obtained from patients suffering from the gonococcal infection in the Arkhangelsk region in 2006-2013. Study methods: examination of the case history, clinical, instrumental (ultrasound examination) and laboratory (microscopy, bacteriological). The sensitivity of N. gonorrhoeae to antimicrobial drugs (penicillin, tetracycline, ciprofloxacin, spectinomycin, azithromycin and ceftriaxone) was studied by the agar serial dilution method. Key findings. Non-complicated forms of the disease prevailed in patients suffering from the gonococcal infection who consulted medical dermatovenereology institutions in the Arkhangelsk region for examination and treatment (98.3%), and the course of the inflammatory process was asymptomatic (10.3%) or with few symptoms (55.8%). A high level of N. gonorrhoeae resistance to penicillin, tetracycline, ciprofloxacin, spectinomycin and azithromycin was revealed in 2006-2011. The exclusion of these drugs from the treatment regimens for the gonococcal infection made it possible to substantially reduce the resistance level in 2013. Ceftriaxone was the only drug for the treatment of the gonococcal infection that remained efficient for the treatment of all N. gonorrhoeae strains during the study period. Conclusion. A complex of measures to prevent the propagation of the gonococcal infection in the Arkhangelsk region must include screenings of risk groups with regard to the infection and propagation of the disease regardless of the presence of clinical symptoms of the inflammatory process, introduction of high-sensitivity and specific molecular and biological diagnostics methods, and administration of an anti-gonococcal therapy in view of the antibiotic resistance of N. gonorrhoeae strains obtained from patients in the region.
Vestnik dermatologii i venerologii. 2014;90(6):100-106

Genetic variants of genital mycoplasmas and their relation to the clinical course of inflammatory diseases of the urogenital system in women
Goal of the study. To study genetic variability of M. hominis (based on the vaa gene) and M. genitalium (based on the mg192 gene) derived from biological material samples taken from women with different clinical manifestations of inflammatory diseases of the urogenital system and clinically healthy women (for M. hominis). Materials and methods. Genetic variability of twenty M. hominis samples taken from patients with inflammatory diseases of the urogenital system and twenty M. hominis samples taken from patients without clinical and laboratory signs of inflammatory processes of the urogenital system was studied by the sequence analysis method. Genetic variability of eight M. genitalium samples taken from patients with different clinical signs of inflammatory diseases of the urogenital system was also examined by the sequence analysis method. Results. Three genetic variants of M. hominis based on the vaa gene were found; variant I was revealed more often in patients with clinical manifestations of inflammatory diseases (65.0%), and variant II - in clinically healthy women (60.0%). Three phylogenetic M. gentium groups based on the mg192 gene were revealed; two samples were referred to Groups I and II, and four samples were referred to Group III. Samples from each phylogenetic groups were taken from patients with clinical and laboratory manifestations of cervicitis and urethritis. Conclusion. The study data demonstrate a potential effect of the VAA surface protein on the virulence of opportunistic M. hominis pathogens.
Vestnik dermatologii i venerologii. 2014;90(6):107-113

A rare presentation of palmoplantar lichen planus
Lichen planus is a disease characterized by a large variety of clinical forms and morphological patterns. Localized rash on the palms and soles is considered rare and may create certain problems in diagnosis if it is present as an isolated finding in the absence of typical papular rash on the skin and mucous membranes, and such problems may be solved by histological examination. We report a case of a 41-year-old male with palmoplantar lichen planus. The disease was characterized by pruritic erythematous well-defined plaques dotted wit h multiple, punctate brown keratotic plugs on the palms and soles, which were difficult to separate when scraping. Histological examination revealed changes in the excretory ducts of eccrine sweat glands. We suggest that the presented case is a unique clinicopathologic variant of palmoplantar lichen planus that may be designated by the term “lichen planoporitis.”
Vestnik dermatologii i venerologii. 2014;90(6):136-143

Widespread scrofuloderma: a case study
The authors present a case study of scrofuloderma in a female patient aged 55; the patient’s condition was of interest due to the prevalence of the pathology and long-term (25 years) undiagnosed skin tuberculosis as a result of problems with the diagnostics of this localization of tuberculosis.
Vestnik dermatologii i venerologii. 2014;90(6):144-148

Clinical manifestations of the skin photodamage as a result of a multi-course phototherapy of psoriasis patients
Goal. To study clinical manifestations and frequency of skin photodamage symptoms in psoriasis patients receiving a longterm multi-course phototherapy. Materials and methods. The study involved 106 patients suffering from psoriasis vulgaris and receiving a multi-course treatment by methods of the PUVA therapy, broadband medium-wave UV therapy and narrowband phototherapy with the wavelength of 311 nm. The average number of courses was 7 while the average number of treatment sessions was 141. Depending on the number of treatment sessions, the patients were divided into three groups: Group 1 (n = 33) - patients that received 50-100 phototherapy sessions, Group 2 (n = 58) - patients that received 101-200 treatment sessions, and Group 3 (n = 15) - patients that received over 200 treatment sessions. The control group comprised 20 psoriasis patients that did not receive any phototherapy before. Major results. The comparative analysis of the entire group of patients receiving a phototherapy revealed a statistically significant incidence of lentigo/sunspots, diffuse skin hyperpigmentation and actinic elastosis vs. the control group. The frequency of clinical manifestations characteristic of the skin photodamage grew as the number of treatment sessions increased. All of the symptoms except for guttate hypomelanosis and venous lakes demonstrated statistically significant dynamics. Conclusion. There is a dose-dependant increase in the frequency of skin photodamage symptoms in patients suffering from psoriasis vulgaris and receiving a long-term multi-course phototherapy.
Vestnik dermatologii i venerologii. 2014;90(6):114-120

Revisited diagnostics of true (acantholytic) pemphigus
True (acantholytic) pemphigus is an autoimmune disease characterized by blisters and erosions in the skin and/or mucous tunics. True (acantholytic) pemphigus can be diagnosed based on an assessment of clinical manifestations and results of cytology, histology and immunology tests. The current diagnostics methods are characterized by certain advantages and shortcomings yet none of them has 100% sensitivity and specificity. To diagnose pemphigus, a complex of studies is needed taking into consideration the body of clinical symptoms and laboratory indices.
Vestnik dermatologii i venerologii. 2014;90(6):121-130

Evaluation of the efficacy and safety of combined treatment with methotrexate and a broadband medium-wave phototherapy for psoriasis patients
Goal. To evaluate the efficacy and safety of combined treatment with methotrexate and a broadband medium-wave phototherapy for psoriasis patients. Materials and methods. As many as 365 psoriasis patients underwent examination and treatment. The patients were divided into three groups by the treatment method. The first group of patients received a broadband medium-wave phototherapy, the second group received treatment with methotrexate, and the third group received combined treatment with methotrexate and a broadband medium-wave phototherapy. Results. Combined treatment with a broadband medium-wave phototherapy and methotrexate turned out to be more efficient than a monotherapy with methotrexate or a broadband medium-wave phototherapy. The administration of a combined therapy enhances the efficacy of treatment for psoriasis patients due to the reduction of cumulative doses of ultraviolet irradiation and methotrexate. In addition, it was revealed that a broadband medium-wave phototherapy does not enhance typical side effects observed during the treatment with methotrexate.
Vestnik dermatologii i venerologii. 2014;90(6):131-135

Update on topical photodynamic therapy for skin cancer
Topical photodynamic therapy has become an established therapy option for superficial non-melanoma skin cancers with a substantial evidence base. In this update the increased choice in photosensitizers and light sources are reviewed as well as novel protocols to move beyond lesional treatment and address field therapy. Daylight PDT is emerging as an alternative to conventional office/hospital-based PDT that offers the advantage of much reduced pain. Although most studies have assessed efficacy of PDT in immune-competent patients, there is accumulating evidence for topical PDT being considered an option to assist in reducing the skin cancer burden in organ transplant recipients. The fluorescence associated with photosensitizer application can help delineate lesions prior to full treatment illumination and offers a useful adjunct to treatment in patients where diagnostic uncertainty or poor lesion outline complicates clinical care. PDT may also offer significant benefit in delaying/preventing new cancer development and combined with its recognized photo-rejuvenating effects, is emerging as an effective therapy capable of clearing certain superficial skin cancers, potentially preventing new lesions as well as facilitating photo-rejuvenating effects in treated areas.
Vestnik dermatologii i venerologii. 2014;90(6):26-34

Modern methods of the treatment of hereditary epidermolysis bullosa
Today there are no ethiopathogenetic treatment methods for treating hereditary epidermolysis bullosa. All available treatment methods are symptomatic and are mainly aimed at patient care. Since severe forms of hereditary epidermolysis bullosa affect multiple organs, patients need assistance of both dermatologists and skilled experts such as general practitioners (pediatricians), gastroenterologists and dentists or ophthalmologists, surgeons, hematologists, oncologists, etc. when needed. To take efficient therapeutic and preventive measures, clinical recommendations and treatment standards are needed. Promising therapeutic methods (protein replacement, cell and gene techniques) are currently at different development and implementation stages but they can solve problems related to the treatment of hereditary epidermolysis bullosa in the future.
Vestnik dermatologii i venerologii. 2014;90(6):47-56

Neurotrophins and neuropeptides as inflammatory mediators in case of chronic dermatosis
This literature review examines the role of neurotrophins and neuropeptides for the development of skin inflammatory reactions in case of chronic inflammatory dermatoses. The article describes inflammatory effects of neurotrophin, a nerve growth factor, neuropeptide substance P and calcitonin gene-related peptide. Factors affecting the condition of skin innervation and development of inflammation - neurotrophin, a nerve growth factor, amphiregulin, an epidermal growth factor, and semaphorin 3A, a nerve repulsion factor - were examined. Searching for and administering antagonists of proinflammatory effects of neuropeptides, neurotrophins and epidermal growth factor can become new approaches to the treatment of chronic inflammatory dermatoses.
Vestnik dermatologii i venerologii. 2014;90(6):57-61

Systemic treatment of seborrheic dermatitis with retinol palmitate
The goal of the study. Evaluating of the effectiveness of treatment of men with a diagnosis «Seborrheic dermatitis of the scalp» by the system using of retinol palmitate. Material and methods. 36 patients every day for 2 months received overnight per os 200000 ME of retinol palmitate, and in the comparison group (39 people) antiseborrheic shampoos have been used. The dynamics of severity of skin oiliness, pruritis, erythema, peeling, infiltration, excoriations has been evaluated in points. Before and after the treatment a histological and morphometric study of biopsy material from the affected areas has been carried.The terms of relapses have been set. Results. Retinol palmitate treatment efficiency - 91.7%, antiseborrheic shampoos - 84.6%. Along with the regression of symptoms of the disease in both groups after retinol palmitate treatment significantly declined oiliness of skin; the sizes of sebaceous glands acini and the presence of differentiated sebocytes, the squares of lymphocytic-macrophage clusters in the dermis, the number of keratinocytes with vacuolated cytoplasm have been reduced. Relapses of the disease during a year occured more rare - in 21 patients out of 32 (in the comparison group- in 25 out of 31) and at a later date (in the first 3 months in 2 patients out of 32, in comparison group in 10 out of 31). Identified effects were due to the action of retinol palmitate on the morphogenesis of the sebaceous glands.
Vestnik dermatologii i venerologii. 2014;90(6):149-157

The article presents the European Guidelines for the Diagnostics and Management of Urticaria (revised in 2013) and new data on the physiopathology of urticaria related to the role of the platelet-activating factor (PAF) activating mast cells, attracting eosinophils and neutrophils, improving vascular permeability (it is more potent than histamine by 1,000 times) and mucosal edema, and increasing the level of pro-inflammatory cytokines. The data promoted the creation of a new rupatadine molecule, which blocks histamine and PAF receptors at the same time improving the therapeutic effect during urticaria treatment as compared to other antihistamine drugs. The author presents the study results confirming the efficacy and safety of rupatadine.
Vestnik dermatologii i venerologii. 2014;90(6):158-162

Local treatment of chloasma in pregnant women
Goal. To assess the efficacy and safety of Azelic (15% gel of azelaic acid for topical administration) for the treatment of chloasma in pregnant women. Materials and methods. The study involved 28 pregnant women aged 18-36 (mean age: 24.7) with a normal course of pregnancy. The patients consulted a doctor in the spring, summer or fall complaining of focal skin hyperpigmentation on the face, chin and chest area. Ten patients (35.7%) developed hyperpigmentation prior to their pregnancy and 18 women (64.3%) - during the pregnancy. As of the consultation date, the pregnancy terms in all of the patients were 18-20 weeks. Chloasma was diagnosed by using dermatoscopy and skin examination with the Wood’s lamp. The patients were informed about the content and procedure of the study and gave their consent to take part in the study. Thin layers of Azelic (15% gel of azelaic acid for topical administration) were applied to the hyperpigmented skin of the patients and gently rubbed twice a day (in the morning and evening) as topical treatment for four months. The treatment results were assessed taking into consideration the patient’s subjective assessment, study group structure depending on the clinical efficacy, percentage of adverse events, and survey results based on the Dermatology Life Quality Index questionnaire. To reveal any potential general toxicological effects of the treatment, hepatic samples, total blood count and coagulogram results were analyzed as a part of obstetrical and gynecologic care for pregnant women. Key findings. Positive dynamics of the following characteristics was revealed: subjective assessment of treatment results by the patients, clinical efficacy of treatment and life quality index. Therapeutic results were observed as early as after one month but not later than three months after the treatment began. The therapeutic efficacy was recorded in 92.9-96.4% of all cases after four months of treatment: pigment spots disappeared or became paler, and their dimensions and their contrast as compared to the healthy skin reduced, the skin texture and life quality improved (the Dermatology Life Quality Index reduced from 15.5 ± 1.8 to 6.7 ± 0.5 points against the background of the treatment efficacy: from severe to moderate impact of the disease on the patient’s life, respectively). Five women (17.9%) developed erythema and burning sensations in the drug application site within the first two weeks immediately after the gel application (one of the patients had the same symptoms for six weeks of the treatment); the symptoms were weak and transient and did not require any additional treatment. Hepatic samples, total blood count and coagulogram results were within physiological standards during the treatment. Conclusion. Topical application of Azelic (15% gel of azelaic acid for topical administration) twice a day for four months is an efficient and safe method to treat chloasma in pregnant women.
Vestnik dermatologii i venerologii. 2014;90(6):163-170

Application of exifine in etiotropic treatment of zooanthroponotic trichophytia
We have studied effect of Exifine on the dynamics of infectious process and some parts of the immune response at different stages of zooanthroponotic trichophytosis development. Functional activity of neutrophils, CD3, CD4, CD8, CD16, CD72, HLA-DR lymphocyte markers, TNFa, IL-1 β, IL-4 and IFN-γ cytokines were determined using immunological studies. Histomorphological changes of affected hair were studied during treatment. Effectiveness of Exifine at zooanthroponotic trichophytosis of scalp and smooth skin in children has been proven: mycological cure and persistent therapeutic effect. Exifine has no immunosuppressive activity as observed in Griseofulvin treatment.
Vestnik dermatologii i venerologii. 2014;90(6):171-176

Jean-Alfred Fournier - the founder of the European venereology and dermatology (on the one hundredth death anniversary)
The article presents a life story of a great French dermatologist and venereologist, one of the founders of the theory of syphilis Jean-Alfred Fournier (1832-1914). It provides data on the published works by Jean-Alfred Fournier, some of which earned him a doctoral degree. It also provides data on Fournier’s election as a member of the French Academy of Medicine in 1879 as well as on the founding of the French Society of Dermatology and Syphiligraphy by Fournier and other French dermatologists in 1889. The article defines the contribution made by Fournier to the development of venereology and practical medicine in the second half of the 19th century and early 20th century.
Vestnik dermatologii i venerologii. 2014;90(6):177-181

V.V. Vladimirov On the 70th anniversary
Vestnik dermatologii i venerologii. 2014;90(6):182-183