Vol 86, No 2 (2010)
- Year: 2010
- Published: 15.04.2010
- Articles: 18
- URL: https://vestnikdv.ru/jour/issue/view/62
Full Issue
Epidemiological role of migrants in the propagation of syphilis in the territory of Urals, Siberia and Far East
The epidemiological role of migrants in the propagation of syphilis in the territory of Urals, Siberia and Far East has been studied. The syphilis incidence rate (per 100,000 of people under examination) among legal migrants was 5-30 times as high as among the autochthonic population. Latent forms (80.0%) prevailed in the clinical structure of migrants suffering from syphilis, and the percentage of contagious forms was high (62.7%). The share of migrants suffering from syphilis who withdrew from dermatovenerological observation after the diagnosis was made turned out to be high (37.5%). The authors also revealed risk factors affecting the growth in the syphilis incidence rate among labor migrants. The article discusses issues related to organizing reasonable anti-epidemic measures for the epidemiological group.
Vestnik dermatologii i venerologii. 2010;86(2):4-9

Normative and legal aspects of preventive medical examinations for people of certain professions for sexually transmitted infections and infectious skin diseases
The authors analyze the current regulatory and legal framework defining organization of preventive medical examinations for people of certain professions for sexually transmitted infections and infectious skin diseases. They also describe the experience of organization of preventive medical examinations in the Republic of Tatarstan.
Vestnik dermatologii i venerologii. 2010;86(2):10-12

Search for potential biomarkers of inveterate dermatoses by means of proteomic analysis
The review covers the key achievements of proteome studies using mass spectrometry and two-dimensional electrophoresis methods in the field of dermatology Works studying the most prevalent chronic dermatoses such as psoriasis, atopic dermatitis, acne vulgaris and mycosis fungoidea are examined. Proteome analysis in dermatology is a promising technique today because it makes it possible to study molecular pathogenic mechanisms of skin chronic diseases in a greater detail. In addition, proteome technologies are aimed at searching for potential disease biomarkers and targets for drugs.
Vestnik dermatologii i venerologii. 2010;86(2):13-19

Urogenital infections of women caused by conditional-pathogenic biota: ways of revelation and correction
This article presents particular features of the course of urogenital infections stipulated by the opportunistic biota in women of child-bearing potential with the use of standard methods of laboratory diagnostics as well as the results of the authors' own studies with the use of new laboratory methods based on the PCR (polymerase chain reaction) in the real-time mode enabling the authors to determine both qualitative and quantitative structures of the biota.
Vestnik dermatologii i venerologii. 2010;86(2):26-31

Key lines of research and development works defended at thesis council D 208.115.01, fgu gntsd rosmedtekhnologiy (state research center for dermatovenerology), for academic degrees of doctors and candidates of medical science in 2007-2009
The subjects of the theses include studies of different prevention, clinics, diagnostics, treatment and forecasting aspects of chronic dermatoses, skin tumors, urogenital infections and syphilis. Doctoral theses solving problems related to the organization of works in dermatovenerology were defended.
According to the analysis of the theses defended in 2007-2009, the methodic level as well as scientific and practical value of the works remain to be high.
Vestnik dermatologii i venerologii. 2010;86(2):32-36

Efficiency of using a narrow-band 311 nm mid-wavelength ultraviolet therapy at atopic dermatitis in children
The article presents the results of using a narrow-band mid-wavelength ultraviolet therapy (311 nm) in 79 children suffering from with atopic dermatitis. The course of treatment comprised 15 to 20 sessions of ultraviolet therapy with the maximal dose of irradiation being not more than 0.15 J/cm2. The control group (n=35) received traditional therapeutic treatment with the use of standard schemes of dosing and drug administration, and did not differ from the main group of patients in age, duration or form of the disease. Clinical efficacy of the therapy was estimated according to the SCORAD index, Dermatological Index of the Symptom Scale and Children's Dermatology Life Quality Index. The efficacy of the narrow-band mid-wavelength ultraviolet therapy (311 nm) turned out to be very high, which is confirmed by earlier reduction of clinical symptoms among patients from this group than in the control group. The latter fact was also confirmed by the reduction of absolute values of the SCORAD index and Dermatological Index of the Symptom Scale (p<0.05). No side effects were observed in the course of treatment, and the treatment went well. These results are evidence of high efficacy and safety of this method for treatment of atopic dermatitis in children and teenagers.
Vestnik dermatologii i venerologii. 2010;86(2):37-42

A case of late diagnostics of tertiary syphilis
The article describes a case of late diagnostics of tertiary syphilis affecting the musculoskeletal system in a patient who was under long-term supervision with a district general practitioner and who was diagnosed with thrombophlebitis. The diagnosis was verified only after the autotomy of the right lower leg
Vestnik dermatologii i venerologii. 2010;86(2):48-51

Ademetionine in the cytostatic treatment of psoriasis
The article presents the results of the study and treatment of two groups of psoriatic patients. Patients from both groups received conventional treatment and methotrexate according to Weinstein and Frost. Patients from the second group also received Heptral®, a hepatoprotector having an antidepressant effect. According to the results, it is expedient to make Heptral® a part of antiproliferative treatment for psoriasis.
Vestnik dermatologii i venerologii. 2010;86(2):52-56

Possibilities of enhancement of the efficiency of complex psoriasis treatment
The article describes an assessment of the effect of Glutoxim, a drug used for complex treatment of psoriatic patients, on the dynamics of clinical symptoms, quality of life and laboratory indices. Faster and more complete regression of the disease, improvement of patients' life quality, normalization of hepatic function indices and increased periods of disease remission were observed in the main group of patients who received Glutoxim.
Vestnik dermatologii i venerologii. 2010;86(2):58-63

Efficacy and safety of treatment of patients suffering from severe forms of psoriasis
A comparative clinical, laboratory and ultrasonic assessment of the efficacy and safety of Infliximab (Remicade®) and cyclosporine A as well as photochemotherapy on the basis of Oxsoralen in 90 patients suffering from severe plaque psoriasis and psoriatic erythroderma at the progression stage. Clinical and ultrasonic assessment demonstrated that Infliximab (Remicade®) is a highly efficient drug for treatment of severe plaque psoriasis and psoriatic erythroderma providing an evident reduction in inflammatory changes both in the epidermis and dermis as well as normalizing epidermal keratinization processes. A long-term maintenance treatment with Infliximab positively modifies the course of severe psoriasis in patients and is quite safe. A course of treatment with cyclosporine A and general photochemotherapy is quite efficient under similar conditions but its action is short-term. After the completion of the above-mentioned therapy, patients develop dermatosis relapses of the same severity and extent during a year of follow-up. According to the ultrasonic examination results, a course of treatment with cyclosporine A and photochemotherapy has a partial effect on pathohistology processes in psoriatic patients as well as entails a number of adverse effects.
Vestnik dermatologii i venerologii. 2010;86(2):72-81

Prevalence of urogenital inflammatory diseases associated with genital mycoplasms. Treatment efficacy
Examination of 15765 women by PCR or culture method in the Southern Urals revealed genital mycoplasmas (M.hominis, M.genitalium, Ureaplasma spp.) in 25.8% of cases; they were more frequently met among socially non-adapted women (65,9% vs 17,2% in socially adapted group of women). Prescription of Josamycin (Wilprafen®), 500 mg TID for 10 days to women of both social groups provided the high level of antimicrobial effectiveness (92%) and favorable safety profile.
Vestnik dermatologii i venerologii. 2010;86(2):83-88

Skin barrier affection mechanisms and methods of their correction with the use of the Emolium series of cosmetic products
The article generalizes the current concept of reasons and mechanisms of skin barrier affections, presents a method to correct such affections with the use of Emolium basic skin care products and provides results of the efficacy study of the Emolium cosmetic line along with the glucocorticosteroid therapy in patients suffering from atopic dermatitis.
Vestnik dermatologii i venerologii. 2010;86(2):89-95

Using immune response modifiers for urogenital clamidiosis. Mathematic simulation and forecast of clamidiosis epidemiological process
There was an analysis of the role immune response modifiers (by the example of Cycloferon) play as a part of treatment schemes of urogenital clamidiosis from the point of view of public health. A math model of the chlamydia infection dynamics in a hypothetic cohort of women running a high risk of infection (commercial sex workers) and their clients was used for the analysis. The data of the study of commercial sex workers from ten regions of the Russian Federation as well as data published on the Cycloferon treatment efficacy were used for model calibration. The resulting data confirm that making immune response modifiers a part of the urogenital clamidiosis treatment regimen decreases the prevalence of the disease in the population by 6-30%. The strategy aimed at making the drug a part of the treatment regimen for the risk group patients seems to be most efficient.
Vestnik dermatologii i venerologii. 2010;86(2):96-99

Results of the Tramplin study for evaluating the efficacy, safety and tolerance of the Travogen cream and Travocort cream in Moscow
The article describes the results of the TRAMPLIN clinical multi-center follow-up prospective study for evaluating the efficacy, safety and tolerance of the Travogen cream (isoconazole) and Travocort cream (isoconazole, diflucortolone) in patients suffering from combined (allergic, mycotic, bacterial) skin lesions of different etiology and localization in Moscow.
Vestnik dermatologii i venerologii. 2010;86(2):101-105