Vol 91, No 5 (2015)
- Year: 2015
- Published: 24.10.2015
- Articles: 19
- URL: https://vestnikdv.ru/jour/issue/view/11

Cutaneous lupus erythematosus: pathogenesis, clinical pattern, diagnostics, therapy
This article contains the latest information about the mechanisms of development of lupus erythematosus based on the literature review. The modern classification of specific and non-specific skin lesions in lupus erythematosus is shown.The authors described the clinical pattern of cutaneous forms of lupus erythematosus very detailed. the data about pathological and immunological criteria for the disease diagnostics, modern methods of pharmacotherapy lupus erythematosus was classified.
Vestnik dermatologii i venerologii. 2015;91(5):24-33

Широкое многообразие кератинов человека
А review presents systematic data about the diversity of human keratins. The results of numerous studies concerning the structure and functions of keratins, their distribution in various cells and tissues were summarized. The role of these proteins in the development of human hereditary diseases, as well as modern approaches in use keratins in immunohistochemistry and perspectives of their further studies are discussed.
Vestnik dermatologii i venerologii. 2015;91(5):42-52

Progression of itching intensity and expression of growth factor proteins in skin of people suffering from atopic dermatitis under the influence of ultraviolet phototherapy
Study of progression of itching intensity and expression of growth factor proteins in skin of people suffering from atopic dermatitis under the influence of narrowband (311Nm) phototherapy. Material and methods. 30 patients with atopic dermatitis were treated by using narrowband (311Nm) phototherapy. SCORAD index was used to assess the severity of the clinical responses. Itching intensity was assessed using visual analogue scale. Expression of growth factor of nerves, semaphorine-3A, amphiregulin, and PGP9.5, a protein marker for nerve fibers, was investigated by means of indirect immunofluorescence. Results. Increased expression level of nerves growth factor, decreased expression level of semaphorine-3A, and increase in the number, average length and luminous intensity of PGP9.5+ -nerve fibers were found in the patients’ epidermis. Course of narrowband (311 Nm) phototherapy resulted in a decrease of the severity of the disease and itching intensity, and semaphorine-3A expression increase, reduction of number and average length of nerve fibers in the epidermis. A direct correlation relationship between the itching intensity and expression level of nerve growth factor, number and average length of PGP9.5+ -nerve fibers in the epidermis as well as an inverse correlation relationship between itching intensity and expression level of semaphorine-3A in the epidermis were found. Conclusion. Treating patients suffering from atopic dermatitis with narrowband (311 Nm) phototherapy leads to a decrease of the itching intensity associated with a decreased intensity of innervation of the epidermis. This decrease in course of phototherapy is facilitated by decrease of nerve growth factor expression level and increase of semaphorine-3A expression.
Vestnik dermatologii i venerologii. 2015;91(5):59-65

Main level of cytokines in patients with psoriasis
The aim of the study was to determine the level of cytokines in the serum of patients with psoriatic arthritis (PsA) and psoriasis vulgaris (Ps) and to identify key immune markers associated with clinical manifestations of psoriasis. Materials and methods. The study involved 52 patients with psoriatic arthritis (PsA) and 20 patients with psoriasis vulgaris (PS) by multiplex analysis of proteins using Bio-Plex device and commercial test kits 23-Plex and 27-Plex, 8-Plex. Assessment of the severity and prevalence of psoriatic skin lesions in patients was conducted by index PASI (Psoriasis Area and Severity Index). Indicators of acute-phase activity (ESR, CRP), CEC were defined in all patients. the comparison group consisted of patients with a diagnosis of patchy scleroderma (10 patients) and patients with atopic dermatitis (10 patients). 13 healthy individuals were examined as a control group. Main results. Significant elevation of cytokines: IL-2, IL-6, GM-CSF, IFN-y and TNF-a was found in the serum of patients with PS compared with the group of apparently healthy individuals, and GM-CSF, IFN-y compared with patients with atopic dermatitis. It was determined that the detected levels of Il-В in serum has a direct correlation with the prevalence and severity of PS. Inverse correlation between ESR and the level of IL-8, GM-CSF and the CEC, IFN-y and the CEC and the direct correlation between the level of TNF-a and CRP in serum were shown. Conclusion. The obtained data indicate shifts in the system of pro-inflammatory and anti-inflammatory cytokines in psoriasis, which can be considered as a manifestation of endogenous homeostatic mechanisms designed to limit the intensity of the inflammatory process. Immune markers associated with clinical manifestations of psoriasis, in particular, the prevalence and severity of PS (index PASI), indicators of acute-phase activity (ESR, CRP), were identified.
Vestnik dermatologii i venerologii. 2015;91(5):66-72

Seborrheic keratosis and insulin resistans
Regardless of multiple studies performed, aetiology and pathogenesis of seborrheic keratosis (SK) remain unknown. Insulin resistance may play the leading role. For instance, hyperinsulinemia is responsible for development of fibroepithelial polyps and acanthosis nigricans, diseases frequently associated with seborrheic keratosis. The purpose of the investigation is to study clinical factors and carbohydrate metabolism of patients with SK. Material and methods. The results of examination of 130 patients divided in two groups, were presented: 1st group with a single instance of SK (n = 60) and 2nd group with multiple SK (n = 70). All patients underwent histologic examination, analysis of carbohydrate metabolism: blood glucose, plasma insulin, level of glycated hemoglobin, glucose tolerance test; based on the results, advice from an endocrinologist was provided. Results and conclusions. Link between multiple SK and carbohydrate dysbolism was revealed: insulin resistance was found in 85.7% of patients from the 2nd group (16.6% in the 1st group). In our study, the association of multiple SK with fibroepithelial polyps and adiposity has evidenced that the patient suffered from type 2 diabetes mellitus.
Vestnik dermatologii i venerologii. 2015;91(5):73-78

Sex and age as biological determinants of autoimmune skin diseases
Goal. To study and analyze the relationship of autoimmune diseases of the skin to sex and age. Materials and methods. Study of the relationship of autoimmune of skin diseases to sex and age was performed using contingency table analysis methods, which included the implementation of Pearson x2 to test the hypothesis of independence of the two nominal attributes, calculation of standardized residual values, mapping the relevant category attributes using the method of correspondence analysis, calculation of coefficients of communication Pearson, Chuprova and Kramer. Differences were recognized to be statistically significant at the observed level of significance p < 0,05. In the analysis of standardized residuals were established the following conditions: if the absolute value of the standardized residuals ≥ 2, it was considered that the differences between the observed and expected frequencies are statistically significant at the 0,05 level, if standardized residue ≥ 2,6 the differences are significant at 0,01, if the residue standardized ≥ 3,3 the differences are significant at the 0,001 level. Results. Autoimmune skin diseases linked to sex and age of patients. Vitiligo is associated with male sex, localized scleroderma with women. Sex as a biological factor does not affect the appearance of alopecia areata, lupus erythematosus and bullous dermatosis. Age has in general a greater influence on the formation of autoimmune dermatoses. Alopecia areata is associated in the age period 0-14 and 30-44 years, vitiligo with age period 18-29 years, bullous dermatosis linked to the age group 60 years and older. Conclusion. Sex and age have a differential impact on the formation of autoimmune dermatoses, as biological risk factors of their formation.
Vestnik dermatologii i venerologii. 2015;91(5):79-85

Nevoid hypopigmentation as a manifestation of skin mosaicism
A case report of rare genetically specified dyschromia - nevoid hypopimentation - was described. This disease is considered as a manifestation of skin mosaicism with characteristics of clinical presentation. Literature data is given, differential diagnostics issues of this pathology are discussed.
Vestnik dermatologii i venerologii. 2015;91(5):86-90

Monitoring of disseminated superficial actinic porokeratosis (DSAP) in patient suffering from plaque psoriasis treated by PUVA therapy was presented. DSAP is a rare skin disease developing in the result of keratosis disorder caused by solar radiation and appearing as clearly localized ringed or line plates. As patients with DSAP are sensitive to solar radiation, phototherapy is contraindicated for them. In this regard, subcutaneous injections of Methotrexate 10 mg once a week were prescribed to a patient suffering from psoriasis. Psoriatic rashes were regressed after the second injection, instead of them DSAP rashes remained.
Vestnik dermatologii i venerologii. 2015;91(5):91-96

Nikolsky’s sign - a rare form of alopecia areata
Two case reports of rare form of alopecia areata - Nikolsky’s sign - were presented. This disease is often associated with nerve system pathology (schizophrenia, epilepsy, hysteroid reactions). A special feature of first monitoring was the combination of Nikolsky’s sign as a form of alopecia areata and Down syndrome. Trichodermatoscopy with detection of characteristic stigmas of alopecia areata can provide assistance in differential diagnostics of this disease and other disorders.
Vestnik dermatologii i venerologii. 2015;91(5):97-101

Topical therapy of infected corticosteroid-sensitive dermatoses
The article presents the current literature data on the rationale for the inclusion in complex therapy (combined corticosteroid drugs) for patients with steroid-sensitive dermatoses complicated by secondary infection. This article contains information definitive studies of efficacy and safety of combination therapy of infected chronic dermatosis drug Akriderm GC.
Vestnik dermatologii i venerologii. 2015;91(5):102-108

Topical therapy for facial allergic dermatoses
The research goal is to assess clinical dynamics and morphofunctional skin parameters of patients with facial allergic dermatoses on the background of combined topical therapy. Materials and methods. 45 patients with various facial allergic dermatoses in dry and sensitive skin took part in the research. The methods included anamnesis taking, poll, objective examination and assessment of morphofunctional parameters of skin, as well as estimation of life quality dynamic index (LQDI). Main results. After a course of treatment with 0,05% solution of alclometasone dipropionate inflammation of dermatosis ceased in 45 (100%) patients, itching and pains in 39 (86,7%) patients, but complaints about dryness and peeling of facial skin remained in 41 (91,1%) and 40 (88,8%) patients respectively. On the background of therapy including emollient Aflocream the above mentioned symptoms did not appear in 43 (95,6%) patients, wherein maximum effect was achieved in patients with allergic contact dermatitis - 14 (93,3%). After a course of topical therapy all patients showed statistically significant increase of epidermal moisture level, alongside with reduction of skin relief and degree of keratinization. During the assessment of LQDI a tendency to reduction of proportion of patients on whom the disease has a strong and extremely strong impact was noted in 10 patients (i.e. 22,2%), moderate influence - in 5 of them (11,45%), insignificant influence or its absence - in 30 (66,7%) people. Conclusion. Combined therapy including the use of a topical corticosteroid Afloderm and an emollient Aflocream showed good clinical efficiency in patients with facial allergic dermatoses. The efficiency is also confirmed with improvements in morphofunctional characteristics of patients’ skin on the background of therapy.
Vestnik dermatologii i venerologii. 2015;91(5):109-115

Phycoemotional state of the patients with severe acne associated with isotretinoin therapy
Progression of phycoemotional state of 22 patients with severe acne was assessed based on changes in rates of CADI, APSEA, DSQL. Monotherapy with isotretinoin (Acnecutan) is effective in treating severe acne resistant to therapy providing stable remission which is shown by decrease in rates of CADI, APSEA, DSQL.
Vestnik dermatologii i venerologii. 2015;91(5):122-127

Efficiency and tolerance of acne therapy using system isotretinoin
Purpose. Determination of efficiency and tolerance of Sotret product in treatment of patients with different clinical forms and severe acne in three clinical investigations. Materials and methods. 103 patients with acne (moderate and severe acne, acne conglobata and acne inversa) were examined and treated. All patients underwent monotherapy with Sotret with clinical effectiveness assessment and records of adverse events. Results. Sotret therapy facilitated clinical remission of acne in 90-100% of cases. Adverse events were easily tolerated and were not serious. Conclusion. Established therapeutic efficiency of Sotret determines its potential in treating various severity and various forms of acne.
Vestnik dermatologii i venerologii. 2015;91(5):128-133

Modern therapy of anogenital warts
Modern views on human papilloma virus are presented. Actual approaches to diagnostics and treatment of patients with anogenital warts are discussed. Clinical cases of high efficiency of Imiquimodum (Keravort) in treating anogenital warts of men and women are illustrated.
Vestnik dermatologii i venerologii. 2015;91(5):134-142