Vol 88, No 6 (2012)
- Year: 2012
- Published: 15.12.2012
- Articles: 20
- URL: https://vestnikdv.ru/jour/issue/view/54

Organization of histological diagnostics of dermatoses with the use of video and information technologies
Objective. To assess the efficacy of activities carried out by a dermatovenerology dispensary after the implementation of histological diagnostics of dermatoses with the use of the HISTODERM partner expert system. Materials and methods. The authors studied the results of activities carried out by two dermatovenerology dispensaries (in Surgut and Kazan) where histological diagnostics was implemented on the basis of the HISTODERM partner expert system. A dermatovenerologist used the system in the first institution while an anatomic pathologist used it in the second institution. Results. The quality of diagnostics in both dispensaries grew by 50,5 and 28,0%, respectively. The authors also studied the results of the system use by a consultant performing diagnostics remotely. Being in St. Petersburg, the consultant analyzed scanned imaged of skin histological samples sent from a regional dispensary in Krymsk (the samples were a part of the TELEDERMATOPATHOLOGIST telemedical system). The quality of the diagnostics activities of the dispensary grew by 26.6% in the process of such activities.
Vestnik dermatologii i venerologii. 2012;88(6):11-19

Current clinical and epidemiological features of neurosyphilis
The authors present the results of the analysis of the dynamics of the neurosyphilis incidence rate based on the state statistical reporting data in the Volga Federal District in 2003—2011. According to the authors, there is a growth in new neurosyphilis cases against the background of the reduced incidence rate of syphilis. The authors also revealed that late forms of neurosyphilis dominate in the neurosyphilis incidence structure. They conducted an analysis of anamnestic and clinical data of patients who were diagnosed with neurosyphilis, and discovered and a number of particular features in the current clinical picture of the disease. According to the authors, basal meningitis mainly affecting the optic, oculomotor and eighth cranial nerve is diagnosed most often in case of early-onset neurosyphilis. Latent and often mono-symptom forms with prevalent intellectual, memory and emotional-volitional disorders are characteristic of late neurosyphilis.
Vestnik dermatologii i venerologii. 2012;88(6):20-25

Indices of work quality for specialized medical institutions of the dermatovenerology profile aimed at syphilis diagnostics (a review of literature)
The authors present the results of a study of literature sources for such indices as assessment of the efficacy and quality of medical services in medical care institutions based on quantitative parameters being quality indices. The authors demonstrate that indices for assessing the quality of work at medical institutions can involve information about materials, technical and other resources and personnel available at institutions, state statistics accounting forms, data from information and analytical systems and patient registers as well as additional indices developed by experts. Incidence indices are currently the key indicator for assessing the work quality of institutions dealing with syphilis diagnostics. No indicators and criteria for assessing the quality of laboratory assistance rendered to syphilitic patients have been developed yet.
Vestnik dermatologii i venerologii. 2012;88(6):27-34

Current concepts of the epidemiology, clinical picture, diagnostics and therapy of non-complicated and complicated forms of the urogenital chlamydia infection in men
The authors present the results of recent studies of the epidemiology and immunopathogenesis of non-complicated and complicated forms of the urogenital chlamydia infection in men. They also present the results of a study of clinical features of the chlamydia infection and describe up-to-date diagnostics and treatment methods.
Vestnik dermatologii i venerologii. 2012;88(6):35-41

Particular features of the immune response in case of neurosyphilis
Objective. To reveal additional laboratory criteria for assessing the affection of the nervous system in case of neurosyphilis. Materials and methods. There was a study of 49 patients with a specific affection of the nervous system. The complex study comprised a clinical examination performed by a dermatovenerologist, a neurologist and an ophthalmologist as well as serologic examination of blood and spinal fluid. The level of IL-6, IL-17 and TNF-α in parallel blood and spinal fluid samples was determined. Results. The authors obtained statistically significant results for the concentration of IL-6 and TNF-α. The increased level of these indices was observed in the spinal fluid of patients with the most severe neurological manifestations of the specific process. Thus, it is evident that changes in this index reflect the severity of affection for all components of the nervous tissue. The described changes demonstrate the autoimmune nature of pathological processes taking place in the nervous system.
Vestnik dermatologii i venerologii. 2012;88(6):43-47

Work quality in serological laboratories dealing with syphilis diagnostics in specialized medical institutions of the dermatovenerology profile in the Russian Federation
The authors present the results of the analysis of a questionnaire survey held in laboratories in 83 specialized medical institutions of the dermatovenerology profile in the Russian Federation and assess the work quality of serological laboratories dealing with syphilis diagnostics. They determined positive and negative aspects of the laboratory diagnostics of syphilis as well as basic indices of the work quality in serological laboratories dealing with syphilis diagnostics.
Vestnik dermatologii i venerologii. 2012;88(6):48-54

Optimizing the therapy of the erosive and ulcerative form of lichen acuminatus in the mucous coat of the oral cavity
Objective. To assess the clinical efficacy of an antioxidant therapy with Mexidol for the treatment of patients suffering from lichen acuminatus in the mucous coat of the oral cavity. Materials and methods. The study involved 62 patients suffering from the erosive and ulcerative form of lichen acuminatus in the mucous coat of the oral cavity. The severity of dermatosis was assessed based on the determination of the affected area of the mucous coat of the oral cavity. The activity of antioxidant protection was assessed based on the determination of the level of lipid peroxidation products, total antioxidant activity and individual antioxidants in the peripheral blood. Results. The use of Mexidol contributed to the remission in 53.13% and substantial improvement in 37.50% of the patients, which corresponded to the indices for the group of patients to whom Metypred was administered. The share of adverse effects when Mexidol was used was twice as low as in the group of patients who were taking Metypred. Conclusion. The use of an anti-oxidizing agent such as Mexidol reduces the intensity of inflammations and adverse effects and contributes to the epithelialization of erosions.
Vestnik dermatologii i venerologii. 2012;88(6):56-59

Particular features of acne in women
The author generalizes and summarizes information about epidemiology, pathogenesis, diagnostics and treatment of acne in women. Anti-inflammatory, anti-microbial and keratolytic properties of azelaic acid for the external therapy of acne are examined.
Vestnik dermatologii i venerologii. 2012;88(6):60-62

Buschke — Ollendorff syndrome in infant patients
The authors present a clinical and histological description of two clinical cases of a rare inherited disease, Buschke — Ollendorff syndrome. In both cases, the disease was not accompanied by the bone tissue dysplasia but at the same time it was characterized by a clear histological pattern specific of this syndrome. The authors provide literature data and discuss issues related to the pathogenesis and particular features of the clinical picture and diagnostics of the disease.
Vestnik dermatologii i venerologii. 2012;88(6):64-69

Effect of the local corticosteroid therapy and Tacrolimus on the morphological and functional skin indices of different phototypes
Objective. To assess the effect of local corticosteroid therapy and Tacrolimus on the morphological and functional skin indices of different phototypes. Materials and methods. The authors conducted a complex assessment of the morphological and functional skin condition of different phototypes among healthy volunteers under the impact of corticosteroids and Tacrolimus. The study involved 20 healthy volunteers (10 people of the 1st and 2nd skin phototypes and 10 people of the 5th and 6th skin phototypes; 14 males and 6 females; mean age: 2з years). The morphological condition of the skin was assessed with the use of optical coherent tomography (Applied Physics Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, Nizhny Novgorod) while the functional condition was assessed with the use of Multi Skin Test Center MC 750 (Courage+Khazaka Cologne, Germany). Results. The authors revealed that the application of local corticosteroids is accompanied with a reliable reduction in the epidermis thickness developing earlier in the subjects belonging to the 5th and 6th phototypes and, at the same time, increased transepidermal water loss and reduced corneous layer humidity. An increase in the corneous layer thickness accompanied by an increase in the humidity factor was registered in all phototypes in the areas where Tacrolimus was applied. It is possible to select the correct tactics of the anti-inflammatory therapy on the basis of monitoring the morphological and functional skin condition in the process of applying local corticosteroids: to determine the optimum duration of the corticosteroid therapy and switch to calcineurin inhibitors on a timely basis when there is a need to perform an antiinflammatory therapy to achieve the maximum efficacy with the minimum risk of complication development.
Vestnik dermatologii i venerologii. 2012;88(6):75-81

Pathogenic therapy of acne patients
The authors provide a detailed description of the composition, pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic properties of Acnecutan, an innovation drug for the system pathogenic therapy of acne. They present the results of clinical observations and treatment of 88 patients suffering from moderate to severe acne forms with Acnecutan.
Vestnik dermatologii i venerologii. 2012;88(6):82-89

A study of the efficacy of using the Kartalin ointment in a complex with exogenous melatonin for psoriasis
A complex approach to the treatment of psoriasis, which includes topical drugs improving regenerative processes immediately in the skin in addition to systemic drugs, proves to be the most efficient one. The objective of the study was to assess the clinical efficacy of a medical complex including exogenous melatonin and Kartalin ointment for psoriatic patients. The study was based on the results of a study of 201 psoriatic patients who underwent treatment at the Dermatovenerology Clinic of the Siberian State Medical University. The clinical efficacy of the combination treatment for 35 days including joint application of standard treatment techniques, Kartalin ointment and exogenous melatonin was assessed. As a result of the study, the authors established that joint application of standard treatment techniques, Kartalin ointment and exogenous melatonin improves the treatment efficacy by 16.6%.
Vestnik dermatologii i venerologii. 2012;88(6):90-92

Differential approach to the selection of dermal and cosmetology products for the complex treatment of acne in women
The authors present current data about the epidemiology, clinical picture and principles of diagnostics and treatment of late-onset acne in women. The authors emphasize the leading part of endocrine and hormonal disorders and hyperandrogenism in women with late acne. They provide recommendations for basic skin care for women with the onset of acne at a mature age using medical and cosmetic products of the Matidiane line. The authors share their observations concerning the efficacy of using Matidiane medical and cosmetic products.
Vestnik dermatologii i venerologii. 2012;88(6):96-103