Vol 97, No 1 (2021)
- Year: 2021
- Published: 24.03.2021
- Articles: 7
- URL: https://vestnikdv.ru/jour/issue/view/89
- DOI: https://doi.org/10.25208/vdv.11
Full Issue
Historical aspects of etiopathogenesis and treatment of syphilitic infection in Russia (report II)
In the historical aspect, experimental studies on rabbits conducted after the discovery of penicillin are described in order to develop single doses of the antibiotic and the frequency of its administration. The effectiveness of specific therapy of patients with syphilis with crystalline penicillin, Durant drugs in monotherapy, in combination with bismuth and non-specific therapy was evaluated. Electron microscopic studies that established the mechanism of action of penicillin on Treponema, the appearance of cysts and L-forms of the pathogen, the role of the macroorganism and stimulating therapy in the completion of phagocytosis are highlighted. It reflects the discussions of leading scientists at congresses that contribute to the development of effective treatment regimens for patients with syphilis.

Current approaches to the diagnosis of autoimmune bullous dermatoses
A modern review of highly effective methods for the diagnosis of autoimmune bullous dermatoses are presented. The specificity of the production of autoantibodies underlying bullous dermatoses are described. Considering the severity of the disease and a significant deterioration in the quality of life of patients suffering from bullous dermatoses; the systematization of diagnostic criteria will help improve the prognosis and management of patients; and it will also help optimize work on the development of targeted drugs for the treatment of patients with this pathology.

Peculiarities of distribution of HLA class I antigens in patients with lihen planus
The article presents data on the distribution characteristics of the HLA class I system antigens in patients with lichen planus.
Aim. To study the patterns of distribution of HLA class I antigens in the general group. To establish the presence of an association of the disease with antigens of the HLA class I.
Material and methods. Laboratory analysis of the distribution of HLA class I antigens was carried out in 60 patients with various forms of lichen planus who consider themselves Russian on the basis of linguistic and ethnicity. The duration of the disease is 1–20 years.
Results. When analyzing the typing results in the general group of patients; a tendency to negative association of HLA-A11 and HLA-B7.
It was found that the frequency of haplotype combinations A1-B8; A2-B27; A2-B40; A3-B35 significantly exceeded that of healthy people. Analysis of the frequency of phenotypic combinations revealed a significant increase in A3-A19 and B12-B35.
Conclusion. Haplotype and phenotypic combinations of HLA A1-B8; A2-B27; A2-B40; A3-B35; A3-A19; B12-B35 are provoking factors in the development of various forms of the disease. The presence of these genetic traits in the individual increases the risk of developing lichen planus by 3–11 times. In turn; the HLA-A11 and B7 antigens play a protective role.

The role of endothelin-1 and its autoantibodies in the pathogenesisof atopic dermatitis: a case-control study
Background. Atopic dermatitis is a chronic multifactorial dermatosis with a complex pathophysiological basis. One of the poorly studied links in the pathogenesis of the disease is endothelin-1. Its main biological effects include pronounced vasoconstriction of blood vessels.
Aim. To study the role of endothelin-1 and its autoantibodies in the pathogenesis of atopic dermatitis.
Materials and methods. The study included 40 patients with common and limited forms of atopic dermatitis in the period of exacerbation and remission. The concentration of endothelin-1 and autoantibodies to it in the blood serum was determined by the ELISA method. Statistical processing of the obtained data was performed using Statistica 6.0. Statistical significance was determined at p < 0.05.
Results. High concentrations of endothelin-1 and autoantibodies to it were determined during the exacerbation of the disease. When the clinical picture was resolved; the concentration of endothelin-1 and autoantibodies to it significantly decreased; but remained higher than the control group. Based on the data obtained; it can be assumed that an increase in the concentration of endothelin-1 may be a marker of white dermographism and a regulator of the microcirculation process in the skin.
Conclusions. A high level of endothelin-1 contributes to the development of inflammatory reactions in the skin; white dermographism and itching. Endothelin-1 receptors may be potential aim for targeted therapy of atopic dermatitis.

Copper vapor laser treatment of granuloma of the vermilion border of the lips arising as a complication after permanent make-up
Background. Granulomas of the vermilion border of the lips (GVBL); as a complication of lip tattooing; inevitably poses cosmetic problems. Surgical excision and cryodestruction are associated with an increased risk of scarring and recurrence of GVBL. Laser therapy can selectively destroy a pigment and achieve the desired cosmetic result with minimal risk of side effects. So laser treatment was reported to be a more relevant method of treatment of GVBL.
Aim. To evaluate the effectiveness of treatment of GVBL with copper vapor laser (CVL) radiation.
Case report. 39-year-old female patient; without manifestations of systemic sarcoidosis; reported a 2-year history of granulomas of the lips’ vermilion border. She had a permanent makeup cosmetic tattoo before the onset of granulomas after lip tattooing. Histopathological examination revealed the presence of pigment in the upper and middle layers of the dermis. GVBL treatment was performed using a CVL during a single procedure; with an average CVL power of 0.6–0.8 W; with a ratio of 3:2 at wavelengths of 511 nm and 578 nm; exposure time — 0.3 s. Light spot diameter — 1 mm. CVL treatment led to a pronounced elimination of all GVBL without side effects within five years.
Discussion. CVL allows a combined mode of exposure; consisting of grinding large granules of pigment to sizes that can be absorbed by the lymphatic system and suppressing VEGF expression using radiation with a wavelength of 578 nm.
Conclusions. The CVL treatment provided an excellent cosmetic result due to selective photodestruction of the pigment and complete remodeling of the vascular bed associated with GVBL. The high clinical efficiency of eliminating post-tattooing foci of GVBL using CVL without side effects allows us to suggest this method for dermatologists and cosmetologists as a highly effective and inexpensive way to eliminate complications of permanent makeup.

Scars: questions of prevention and treatment
Each year in the developed countries of the world 100 million patients acquire scars; and there are 11 million keloid scars among them.
Aim of the study. Evaluate the effectiveness of treatment and dynamics of scar condition when using self-adhesive dressings (silicone sheet; silicone patch) with a layer of soft silicone.
Patients and methods. A clinical prospective observational study of the dynamics of scarring conditions using selfadhesive dressings with a layer of silicone sheet (soft silicone) was conducted in 27 patients.
Results. It was shown that by the third visit (42 days after inclusion in the study); the color changed towards lightening and disappearing red; in the largest group with dark red scars at the beginning of the study 43.7% completed the study with light pink scars; 43.7% with hyperpigmented and 5.26% with normopigmented (р < 0.0001). Also significant was the dynamics of changes in the position of the scar relative to the level of normal skin (р < 0.0001) with level alignment in case it was initially lower than the level of normal skin. The condition of the scar surface by the third visit normalized; in all patients the surface became even (p = 0.0044). There was a marked increase in the number of easily displaceable scars (from 11.1% to 37.0%; p = 0.0003). Also; by the third visit; itching disappeared in all patients (р < 0.0001).
Conclusion. Overall; the study showed marked improvement across all parameters studied. Silicone sheet; one of the most widely used forms of silicone-based dressings; to be an effective treatment scar management.

Pentoxifylline therapy for patients with type 2 leprosy reactions: erythema nodosum leprosum in steroid-dependent cases
Introduction. Morbus Hansen is the infectious disease which causes by bacilli intracellular Mycobacterium leprae which mainly affects the skin and peripheral nerves. The leprosy reaction is an episode an immunologically mediated episode of acute or subacute inflammation which affecting skin; nerve; mucous membrane. Type 2 reactions can be last for months and risk of developing dependence on steroids. Pentoxifylline (PTX) works to hampers the production TNFá in vitro and in vivo; are an alternative for ENL treatment.
Case Report. One case was reported in a male aged 28 years with complaints of recurring red bumps accompanied by fever and pain.
Discussion. On physical examination obtained erythema nodosum; with impaired sensibility in the left leg. The patient experienced improvement after being given therapy of neurodex/24 hours/oral; rifampicin 600 mg; ofloxacin 400 mg; minocycline 100 mg which given 3x for a week; and combination therapy to treat the Leprosy reaction given the combination of methylprednisolone 16mg (3-2-0) and Pentoxifylline 400 mg/8 hours/oral.
Conclusion. In the 21 day of treatment; the redness lump improved in the middle finger and left arm was gone. No new reddish bumps appeared and less tingling sensation.