
Efficacy of human living skin equivalent in the treatment of inherited epidermolysis bullosa
Karamova A.E., Kubanov A.A., Vorotelyak E.A., Rogovaya O.S., Chikin V.V., Nefedova M.A., Monchakovskaya E.S.
Deficient skin proteins rescue of expression in patients with epidermolysis bullosa: efficacy of gentamicin
Artamonova O.G., Karamova A.E., Kubanov A.A., Chikin V.V., Monchakovskaya E.S.
Application of biomedical cell products in the treatment of congenital epidermolysis bullosa
Karamova A.E., Aulova K.M., Chikin V.V., Kubanov А.A.
Dystrophic epidermolysis bullosa: genotype-phenotype correlations
Kubanov A.A., Chikin V.V., karamova A.E.
Topical treatment of inherited epidermolysis bullosa
Kubanov A.A., Chikin V.V., Karamova A.E., Monchakovskaya E.S.
Therapy of patients with congenital epidermolysis bullosa using modern non-adherent wound dressings
Kubanov A.A., Karamova A.E., Albanova V.I., Monchakovskaya E.S.
Management of patients with congenital epidermolysis bullosa
Karamova A.E., Albanova V.I., Monchakovskaya E.S.
Squamous-cell carcinoma in a female patient suffering from recessive dystrophic epidermolysis bullosa
Karamova A.E., Chikin V.V., Albanova V.I., Smolyannikova V.A., Nefedova M.A., Monchakovskaya E.S.
Modern methods of the treatment of hereditary epidermolysis bullosa
Kubanov A.A., Albanova V.I., Chikin V.V., Yepishev R.V.
Revisited diagnostics of hereditary epidermolysis bullosa
Albanova V.I., Chikin V.V., Epishev R.V.
Congenital epidermolysis bullosa: modern methods of diagnosis and therapy. Prospects for regenerative medicine
Kubanov A.A., Karamova A.E., Monchakovskaya E.S.
Kindler syndrome - a rare type of hereditary epidermolysis bullosa
Albanova V.I., Smolyannikova V.A., Golchenko V.A.
Medical cell technologies for treatment of patients suffering from recessive dystrophic epidermolysis bullosa. Method of intracutaneous administration of fibroblasts
Albanova V.I., Karamova A.E., Chikin V.V., Mineyeva A.A.
Prevalence of hereditary epidermolysis bullosa in the Russian Federation
Kubanov A.A., Albanova V.I., Karamova A.E., Chikin V.V., Melekhina L.Y., Bogdanova Y.V.
1 - 14 of 14 Items

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