Vol 100, No 5 (2024)
- Year: 2024
- Published: 22.11.2024
- Articles: 9
- URL: https://vestnikdv.ru/jour/issue/view/111
- DOI: https://doi.org/10.25208/vdv.1005
Full Issue
Epidemiological and clinical aspects of syphilis incidence in the Russian Federation and the Kyrgyz Republic: comparative analysis
The Soviet period of development of domestic dermatovenereology was characterized by scientific achievements and the creation of organizational forms of combating venereal and contagious skin diseases. After the collapse of the USSR, socio-economic changes occurred in the former Soviet republics that affected the medical sphere. In recent years, cooperation in the exchange of experience between dermatovenereological services of Russia and other countries is actively developing, including in the field of prevention of the spread of STIs. In 2021 and 2022, a significant increase (by 69.7%) in the incidence of syphilis was registered in Russia for the first time compared to 2020, which is due to an increase in this indicator among migrants (from 2801 cases in 2020 to 12 748 cases in 2022), of which 30% of syphilis cases were among citizens of Kyrgyzstan. The article presents the results of a retrospective comparative study of syphilis incidence rates among children aged 0 to 14 years, adolescents aged 15 to 17 years, and adults over 18 years in the Russian Federation and the Kyrgyz Republic, and analyzes regulatory documents governing syphilis testing and treatment. Despite significant similarities in approaches to laboratory diagnostics of syphilis, uniform principles of prenatal examination of women and treatment of pregnant women, there are currently a number of significant differences, including in the lower percentage of CSF examination due to few indications for performing lumbar puncture, shorter courses of therapy and low doses of drugs, shorter periods of clinical and serological monitoring in the Kyrgyz Republic.

Application of biomedical cell products in the treatment of congenital epidermolysis bullosa
Congenital epidermolysis bullosa is a phenotypically and genetically heterogeneous group of genodermatoses, which are characterized by decreasing of skin’s structural protein production up to complete absence or violation of the structure as a result of mutation. Congenital epidermolysis bullosa clinically manifests by the development of blisters on the skin and mucous membranes after mechanical injury. The presence of long-term erosive and ulcerative defects in patients with congenital epidermolysis bullosa reduces the quality of patients’ life and also leads to malignancy of the lesions, as a result of constant stimulation of regenerative processes. Currently, in the treatment of patients with congenital epidermolysis bullosa symptomatic therapy, including prevention of secondary infections, use of pain medication and atraumatic non-adherent wound dressings and correction of complications, is widely used. Nevertheless there are a lot of publications describing the use of skin substitutes, three-dimensional tissue-engineered structures based on auto- and allogeneic cells that promote rapid epithelization of wounds in patients with congenital epidermolysis bullosa. Tissue-engineered skin substitutes can be categorised based on their cellular composition: epidermal substitutes consist of an epidermal layer of stratified keratinocyte sheets with or without an underlying acellular dermal layer containing scaffolding; dermal substitutes contain fibroblasts embedded within a scaffolded dermal matrix; composite substitutes are composed of an epidermal layer of stratified keratinocyte sheets and an underlying scaffolded dermal layer containing fibroblasts. The most prospective and at the same time the least studied direction of congenital epidermolysis bullosa treatment is the use of a combined skin equivalent created on the basis of keratinocytes and fibroblasts, which mixes the advantages of epidermal and dermal grafts.

Dermatologic aspects of onychophagia
Onychophagia is a psychiatric disorder manifested by compulsive, repetitive biting of nail plates. To date, the etiopathogenesis of the disease remains incompletely understood. The leading role in the development of this condition is attributed to concomitant mental disorders. Nevertheless, onychophagy today is a complex interdisciplinary problem that requires the involvement of doctors of various specialties. Dermatologists are no exception. Clinical evaluation of nails in onychophagia by a dermatologist is important both in terms of diagnosis and possible ways of correcting pathologic changes in nail plates. This article provides up-to-date information on onychophagia with an emphasis on the dermatologic aspect of the disorder.

Effect of nutrient support on structural and functional parameters of facial skin
Background. Aging is a complex biological process of gradual metabolic, structural and functional changes in the body, which can lead to a decline in physical and mental functions, as well as to the development of diseases. At the moment, the issue of anti-aging remains relevant, given the steady increase in life expectancy and the growing proportion of the elderly population, which is observed practically worldwide. Biologically active supplements containing components used as part of complex therapy for the correction and prevention of signs of premature skin aging are becoming increasingly popular.
Aims. To evaluate the effectiveness and safety of taking the dietary supplement VITABEAUTY® Hyaluronic Acid + Resveratrol on the functional parameters of facial skin.
Methods. A simple blind placebo-controlled cross-over study was conducted, involving 40 female patients over 18 years old with signs of aging. The observation was carried out for 10 weeks. The dietary supplement and placebo were taken according to the following scheme: during the first 4 weeks of the study patients received placebo, then the subjects took VITABEAUTY® Hyaluronic Acid + Resveratrol for the next 6 weeks. Objective assessment of skin condition was carried out in 4 and 10 weeks after the beginning of the study in strictly fixed areas of the forehead and cheek. The patients’ subjective evaluation of the effectiveness of the supplement VITABEAUTY® Hyaluronic Acid + Resveratrol also was carried out.
Results. Statistically significant improvement of skin moisture and wrinkle depth was registered at the end of the study at patiens receiving VITABEAUTY® Hyaluronic Acid + Resveratrol. 95% of the subjects evaluated the result of taking the dietary supplement as good and satisfactory.
Conclusion. The obtained results allow us to recommend the dietary supplement VITABEAUTY® Hyaluronic Acid + Resveratrol for regular intake to prevent and/or control the initial signs of skin aging.

Dermoscopy in the diagnosis of mycosis fungoides
Mycosis fungoides is a primary epidermotropic T-cell lymphoma of the skin, characterized by the proliferation of small and medium-sized T-lymphocytes with cerebriform nuclei. Mycosis fungoides accounts for 60.6% of the total number of all cases of primary T-cell lymphomas of the skin. Diagnosis of mycosis fungoides remains a big challenge in dermatology: the average time for diagnosis from the onset of the disease is 5 years. The difficulty of differential diagnosis with chronic inflammatory dermatosis is due to the similarity of their clinical characteristics, especially in the early stages of the mycosis fungoides. The search for new methods aimed at early diagnosis of skin T-cell lymphoma is one of the most important tasks in dermatooncology. A number of morden studies aimed at assessing the capabilities of dermatoscopy as an additional method for diagnosing mycosis fungoides. Specific dermoscopic pattern of mycosis fungoides were identified: fine short linear vessels, orange-yellowish patchy areas and vascular structure resembling spermatozoa. Description of this dermoscopic pattern can influence the accuracy of diagnosis and timeliness of diagnosis, the prescription of effective methods of therapy in the early stages of the disease, improving the quality and increasing the life expectancy of patients. The article provides an overview of the most up-to-date information on the dermoscopic pattern of mycosis fungoides.

Pharmacological possibilities of prolongation of atopic dermatitis remissions
Atopic dermatitis (AD) is a common chronic recurrent immune-dependent pruritic dermatosis with a typical clinical picture and a damaging effect on the patient’s quality of life. The mechanism of symptom development includes genetic predisposition, defect in the barrier function of the skin and innate and adaptive immunity, and exposure to environmental triggers, infectious agents, allergens and mechanisms of comorbidities. The chronic nature of the dermatosis, the sharply reduced quality of life of patients with AD and poor adherence of patients to treatment create difficulties on the way to effective therapy of patients. These difficulties can be overcome by the proactive use of tacrolimus ointment (Protopic®) in the external therapy of patients with AD, which, after steroid suppression of the acute phase of exacerbation, applied twice a week, can significantly increase the duration of the achieved remission, improve the quality of life of patients and increase their adherence to treatment. The given brief analysis of the literature data and the results of our own observations confirm the high efficacy of the proactive use of Protopic® ointment in prolonging the remissions of atopic dermatitis.

Effectiveness of rituximab in the treatment of patients with pemphigus vulgarus
Pemphigus vulgaris (PV) is an autoimmune disease that affects the mucous membranes and/or skin, characterized by the formation of bubbles of various sizes with a thin flaccid cap and serous contents. Lack of timely treatment can lead to death. Due to the fact that in the Russian Federation the main method of treatment for CAP is the prescription of systemic glucocorticosteroid drugs, which cause a large number of side effects, studies confirming the effectiveness and safety of the use of rituximab in combination with systemic glucocorticosteroid (GCS) are of particular interest. Rituximab is a genetically engineered monoclonal antibody to the CD20 antigen. The mechanism of action is due to the binding of the antibody to the CD20 antigen on B-lymphocytes and the initiation of immunological reactions that mediate the lysis of B-cells, that leads to the elimination of circulating desmoglein-specific IgG(+) B-lymphocytes and contributes to the high effectiveness of rituximab in the treatment of pemphigus. In the treatment PV including rituximab and systemic corticosteroids there is a chance of possible faster reduction of corticosteroids in the daily dose, followed by their complete withdrawal after 3–6 months, that reduces the risk of serious complications developing.

Skin lesion of external auditory canal in a patient with seborrheic dermatitis
Patient K. turned to a dermatologist with complaints of periodic itching in the scalp skin, face, auricles, external auditory canals with discomfort and discharge from them. Clinical diagnosis: seborrheic dermatitis. At the otolaryngologist consultation, the patient was diagnosed with bilateral external otitis media with the formation of hyperkeratotic casts in both external auditory canals. Seborrheic dermatitis was treated in two stages. At the first stage, itraconazole 200 mg was prescribed orally 1 time per day for the first week of treatment, then 200 mg orally 1 time per day for the first two days of each month for 3 months and externally on the scalp ketoconazole shampoo 2% 2 times a week for 4 weeks, then 1 time in 2 weeks. At the second stage, isotretinoin was administered orally at a dosage of 10 mg per day in an intermittent mode. A positive clinical result was obtained against the background of the therapy. The patient continues to remain under supervision.

Yellow nail syndrome: a series of two clinical cases and review of the literature
Yellow nail syndrome is a rare disease of unknown etiology, characterized by damage to the lung parenchyma and nail apparatus. The etiopathogenesis of the disease remains unclear. There are no precise epidemiological data on the disease due to its low incidence. The clinical picture that allows one to suspect this disease is a combination of changes in the color of the nail plates, lymphedema and such pulmonary manifestations as the presence of bronchiectasis, chronic bronchitis, sinusitis, recurrent pleural effusion, pneumonia, disseminated processes in the lungs. Yellow nail syndrome is a serious interdisciplinary problem in terms of both diagnosis and therapy of this group of patients. There are no approved treatments for yellow nail syndrome. This disease can resolve on its own within a few months if it is not associated with any paraneoplastic syndrome. The article presents a series of two clinical cases with an established diagnosis of yellow nail syndrome, highlights currently known data on the etiopathogenesis and clinical picture of the disease, and examines issues of its diagnosis and treatment.