
Dermoscopy in the diagnosis of mycosis fungoides
Artamonova O.G., Karamova A.E., Girko E.V.
Melanoma in patients with mycosis fungoides
Karamova A.E., Vorontsova A.A., Zhilova M.B., Znamenskaya L.F., Saytburkhanov R.R., Aulova K.M.
Efficiency of phototherapy in patients with mycosis fungoides: preliminary results of a comparative non-randomized study
Karamova A.E., Zhilova M.B., Znamenskaya L.F., Vorontsova A.A.
Potentials of brentuximab vedotin in the treatment of relapse/refractory cutaneous T-cell lymphomas: literature review and authors’ observation
Gorenkova L.G., Kravchenko S.K., Belousova I.E.
Chernova N.G., Sinitsyna M.N., Sidorova Y.V., Soboleva N.P., Sudarikov A.B., Kovrigina A.M., Dvirnyk V.N., Zvonkov E.E.
Level of the proliferative activity of lymphocytes in case of mycosis fungoides and plaque parapsoriasis
Zhukov A.S., Belousova I.E., Khairutdinov V.R., Telichko I.N., Samtsov A.V.
Current approaches to diagnostics of mycosis fungoides
Brattseva E.V., Rotanov S.V., Bratseva E.V., Rotanov S.V.
Role of langerin-positive and CD83+ cells in the pathogenesis of mycosis fungoides
Zhukov A.S., Belousova I.E., Khairutdinov V.R., Samtsov A.V.
Cutaneous T-cell lymphoma: Differential diagnostics of erythrodermic conditions
Karamova A.E., Chikin V.V., Znamenskaya L.F., Vorontsova A.A.
Skin cytokine profile in patients with mycosis fungoides
Karamova A.E., Nikonorov A.А., Verbenko D.A., Znamenskaya L.F., Vorontsova A.
Foxp3+ T-lymphocytes in the pathogenesis of mycosis fungoides
Zhukov A.S., Belousova I.E., Samtsov A.V.
1 - 11 of 11 Items

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