
Development of idiopathic eruptive macular pigmentation in an 11-year-old boy
Trofimov P.N., Vladislav K.R., Belousova I.E., Fedotova M.A.
Clinical and pathological changes in the skin with granuloma annulare
Kharchilava M.G., Khairutdinov V.R., Belousova I.E., Samtsov A.V.
Modern diagnostic methods of paraneoplastic pemphigus
Lepekhova A.A., Teplyuk N.P., Bolotova I.M.
Etiological features of onychomycosis in the Krasnodar territory. Choice of method systemic therapy
Tlish M.M., Kuznetsova T.G., Psavok F.A.
Immunological and molecular genetic mechanisms of the development of mycosis fungoides
Zhukov A.S., Belousova I.E., Samtsov A.V.
Efficacy and cosmetic properties of drug forms of hydrocortisone 17-butyrate for patients with allergic contact dermatitis: a prospective observational program
Kubanov A.A., Karamova A.E.
Algorithm for external treatment of dermatoses of mixed etiology
Belousova T.A., Goryachkina M.V., BELOUSOVA T.A., GORYACHKINA M.V.
Recurrent balanoposthitis of mixed etiology: relation to oral sex and selection of an efficient treatment method
Demianova O.B., Buravkova A.G.
Treatment of mixed skin infections
Etiology of foot mycosis and onychomycosis
Kozhichkina N.V.
1 - 10 of 10 Items

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