Vol 89, No 5 (2013)
- Year: 2013
- Published: 15.10.2013
- Articles: 15
- URL: https://vestnikdv.ru/jour/issue/view/47
- DOI: https://doi.org/10.25208/0042-4609-2013-89-5
Assessment of the efficacy of operations of R&D organizations
Vestnik dermatologii i venerologii. 2013;89(5):14-20

Results of the analysis of dermatovenereologic healthcare organizations activity in Russian Federation in 2012
The paper presents the analysis of the work of dermatovenereologic healthcare organizations in Russian Federation, rationality of hospital bed and day hospital bed usage, incidence and effectiveness of preventive control of sexually transmitted infections and skin disorders.
Vestnik dermatologii i venerologii. 2013;89(5):21-39

Neurosyphilis: epidemiology, pathogenesis, clinical course and laboratory diagnostics
The article describes the key achievements and problems related to studying neurosyphilis. It also shows the dynamics of neurosyphilis incidence in Russia and abroad from the early twentieth century and up to present. The article also describes issues related to the pathogenesis, clinical course and pathomorphism of the disease. The authors present current approaches to the laboratory diagnostics of neurosyphilis.
Vestnik dermatologii i venerologii. 2013;89(5):40-49

UVA-1 therapy of localized scleroderma and other diseases accompanied by skin sclerosis
The study results confirm the efficacy of the UVA-1 therapy for patients with localized scleroderma, extragenital lichen sclerosus et atrophicus, sclerodermatous chronic graft-versus-host disease and scleredema adultorum. The therapy has an anti-inflammatory and anti^m^ action, arrests progression and reduces the activity of the disease process, and has a good efficacy and safety profile.
Vestnik dermatologii i venerologii. 2013;89(5):50-68

Role of polymorphisms of PERP gene in the development of acantholysis in patients with pemphigus vulgaris
Goal. To determine the nucleotide protein-coding PERP gene sequence and assess the relation between the revealed mutations/polymorphisms and development of true acantholytic pemphigus as well as particular features of its course. Materials and methods. The protein-coding PERP gene DNA sequence was studied by the sequence analysis method in 18 patients with true acantholytic pemphigus. Results. Two polymorphisms were discovered in patients with true acantholytic pemphigus in Exon 3 of the PERP gene for the first time: rs648802 (non-synonymous) and rs648396 (synonymous). The incidence of wild type genotypes in the revealed polymorphisms (С/С genotype rs648802 and Т/Т genotype rs648396) in healthy volunteers reliably exceeded that in patients (p = 0.049). Patients with true acantholytic pemphigus are characterized by a higher incidence rate of mutant heterozygous genotypes С/G rs648802 and Т/C rs648396 (p = 0.09). Mutant heterozygous genotypes of the polymorphisms (G/G genotype rs648802 and С/С genotype rs648396) were revealed in patients with the earlier onset of the disease (41-60 years) (p = 0.025) more often while heterozygous genotypes (С/G genotype rs648802 and T/С genotype rs648396) were revealed when the disease developed at the age of 61 or older more often (p = 0.01). Conclusion. Identification of the polymorphous genotype by the sequence method or other molecular methods (e.g. PCR) can be used to forecast the terms when true acantholytic pemphigus can emerge in genetically inclined patients. However, it should be noted that it is necessary to specify the preliminary results obtained based on a greater sample of patients with true acantholytic pemphigus.
Vestnik dermatologii i venerologii. 2013;89(5):69-77

Results of a study of genetic factors predisposing to the development of psoriasis among the population of the Russian Federation
Goal. To assess the incidence of genes predisposing to the development of psoriasis based on selected molecular and genetic study methods among the Russian population. Materials and methods. By using allele specific hybridization methods in the form of real-time PCR and RFLP assay (Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism), single-nucleotide polymorphisms of fragments of 13 genes associated with predisposition to the development of psoriasis were studied in whole blood samples obtained from 45 psoriatic patients: rs4649203 (gene IL-28RA), rs11209026 (gene IL-23R), rs610604 (gene TNFAIP3), rs514315 (gene SERPINB8), rs9304742 (gene ZNF816A), rs17728338 (gene TNIP1), rs13190932 (gene TRAF3IP2), rs2235617 (gene ZNF313), rs27524 (gene ERAP1), rs702873 (gene REL), rs3213094 (gene IL-12B), rs12720356 (gene TYK2), and rs8016947 (gene NFKBI). Results. A set of data on the genotype structure and incidence in respective loci of 13 genes associated with predisposition to develop psoriasis was obtained for the first time based on a Russian sample of patients. At this stage of the study, we failed to reveal any reliable differences concerning the incidence of individual genotypes between psoriatic patients and healthy people because of the small size of the sample. Gene TYK2 (rs1272035) served as an exclusion. The homozygous T/T genotype was revealed more often (p < 0.01) in psoriatic patients (95.6%) vs. healthy people (77.8%), which makes it possible to consider the carriers of this genotype as people predisposed to the development of psoriasis.
Vestnik dermatologii i venerologii. 2013;89(5):78-90

Role of neuromediators in the development of skin inflammation in patients with atopic dermatitis
Neurotransmitters such as neuropeptides and neurotrophins can have an effect on the development of a skin inflammatory reaction and itching as well as condition of nerve fibers. Goal. To assess the expression of neuropeptides and neurotrophins in the skin of patients with atopic dermatitis. Materials and methods. Expression of neuropeptides of substance P and SP-R receptor, calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP) and CGRP-R receptor, neurotrophin (nerve growth factor) and TrkA receptor as well as amphiregulin enhancing the growth of nerve fibers and semaphorin-3A terminating the growth of nerve fibers was determined in the skin of patients with atopic dermatitis based on the immunohistochemistry analysis method. Expression of protein PGP9.5 being a marker of nerve fibers was also determined. Results. The authors discovered penetration of nerve fibers expressing substance P and CGRP into the epidermis in patients with atopic dermatitis. Expression of the nerve growth factor and amphiregulin was discovered in epidermis but no expression of semaphorin-3A was discovered. Conclusion. Nerve fibers expressing neuropeptides such as substance P and CGRP can penetrate into the epidermis in patients with atopic dermatitis, which can maintain the inflammatory reaction and itching in such patients. Expression of the growth factors (nerve growth factor and amphiregulin) can contribute to the growth of nerve fibers and their penetration into epidermis against the background of the absence of any expression of semaphorin-3A inhibiting their growth.
Vestnik dermatologii i venerologii. 2013;89(5):91-101

Systemic treatment of severe forms of acne: experience of using Isotretinoin in the Russian Federation
The article presents the results of a large-scale Russian program of the follow-up and treatment of acne patients with Isotretinoin (Roaccutane). The analysis of the results included information about 1,349 acne patients. In 71% of patients, the therapy was initiated at the dose of 0.5-1.0 mg/kg of the body weight. The average duration of treatment was 21.5±0.16 weeks while the average course dose was 119.9±0.8 mg/kg of the body weight. As many as 96% of patients achieved a positive result; women demonstrated a higher improvement rate than men. On the whole, Roaccutane was well-tolerated while adverse effects included dry lips (43.4%), dry skin in different areas (12.45%), retinoid dermatitis (6.45%), epistaxis (2.45%), conjunctivitis (1.41%) and hoarseness (0.22%). The Russian experience of using Roaccutane confirmed high efficacy of the systemic therapy for severe forms of acne.
Vestnik dermatologii i venerologii. 2013;89(5):102-114

A case of Kaposi’s sarcoma: using immunohistochemistry studies to identify human herpes virus of the 8th type
The article discusses problems related to optimizing differential diagnostics of Kaposi’s sarcoma using the immunohistochemistry analysis, in particular, identification of human herpes virus of the 8th type being the causative agent of the development of the disease.
Vestnik dermatologii i venerologii. 2013;89(5):115-118

Erythrokeratodermia variabilis (Mendes da Costa type). A case study
The article describes a clinical observation of a female patient who has suffered from Erythrokeratodermia variabilis (Mendes da Costa type) since the early childhood. It presents data on the pathogenesis, clinical forms and applied treatment methods.
Vestnik dermatologii i venerologii. 2013;89(5):119-123

Influence of combined drug tiladerm on the course of allergic contact dermatitis in rats
Materials and methods. The composition of glyzyrrhizic acid and glutamyl-tryptophane in the form of cream was studied using white rats. ACD was induced by application of the ethanol-acetone solution of 2,4-dinitrochlorobenzene (DNCB) during 4 days. The investigational drug was applied to the ACD lesions once a day during 14 consecutive days. The severity of ACD was assessed by the condition of the lesion focus, morphological composition of blood and apoptosis rate in the lesion. Results. It was shown that 4 days application of DNCB causes typical skin lesion manifesting in local papulovesicular eruptions, excoriations, and forming crust on the surface of the lesion. Application of the topical drug Tiladerm in the form of cream on the lesion induces significant acceleration of the lesion focus rehabilitation as early as on the end of 14 day of treatment. The activation of the markers of apoptosis (Ki-67, to a less extend p-53, caspase-3, Bcl-2) in the ACD lesion was shown. During treatment with Tiladerm, Ki-67 expression was reduced while expressions of p-53 and caspase-3 were enhanced. Conclusion. Thus, Tiladerm showed prominent positive effect on experimental ACD in rats.
Vestnik dermatologii i venerologii. 2013;89(5):124-131

Treatment of mixed skin infections
Goal. To assess the tolerance, efficacy and cosmetic acceptability of a combined topical product on the basis of a cream for the treatment of dermatoses of mixed etiology localized in skin areas with thin epidermis (intertriginous affections, face affections, cheilites). Materials and methods. This prospective, open-label, cohort study involved 40 male and female patients aged 22-58 with the diagnosed mycosis of large skin folds (n = 28), dermatoses of mixed etiology in skin areas with thin epidermis (face, ears, scrotum) (n = 12). This group comprised patients with impetigo in the beard area (n = 1), mycosis of auricle skin and postaural area (n = 2), atopic eyelid dermatitis complicated with a secondary infection (n = 4), commissural cheilitis (n = 2) and scrotum skin mycosis (n = 3).The patients received treatment on their own for 10-30 days. The treatment efficacy assessment was based on the doctor’s opinion concerning the symptom intensity and patients’ opinion with regard to their symptoms and complaints. Results. The authors revealed evident clinical efficacy and safety of the combination drug (Candiderm) for the treatment of dermatoses with secondary flora in skin folds and delicate skin areas. This study demonstrates that the Candiderm cream is a highly efficient and safe drug, which does not inhibit the adrenal cortex, well-tolerated and convenient in application.
Vestnik dermatologii i venerologii. 2013;89(5):132-137

Different drug forms of methylprednisolone aceponate for the treatment of patients with allergic skin diseases
The article presents the results of the efficacy and safety assessment of the treatment of adult patients suffering from allergic dermatoses with different drug forms of methylprednisolone aceponate 0.1% (Advantan). The authors revealed high efficacy of the treatment of patients with atopic dermatitis and generalized eczema with the achievement of clinical remission and regression of the EASI index by 88.6-88.8% from the baseline level after three weeks of the drug administration; in patients with hand eczema after four weeks of treatment, and in patients with allergic dermatitis - after external treatment with methylprednisolone aceponate (MPA) 0.1% for two weeks; the patients' life quality improved after the treatment. Four weeks after the completion of the treatment, the skin of all the patients was nearly free from any eruptions while itching was negligible or absent. The efficacy of the differential administration of different drug forms of MPA 0.1% (Advantan) was demonstrated to localize eruptions in problem areas, on the skin in the area of the body and limbs, and according to particular features of clinical manifestations of dermatoses. The authors confirmed the safety of MPA 0.1% (Advantan) for the treatment of patients with allergic dermatoses as well as absence of any adverse effects in patients with AD, generalized eczema, hand eczema and allergic dermatitis within the aforesaid terms.
Vestnik dermatologii i venerologii. 2013;89(5):138-151

The impact of intradermal injections of modified hyaluronic acid on the morphological skin condition in female patients with involutional changes
Goal. To provide a clinical assessment of the efficacy and tolerance of hyaluronic acid (HA) drugs modified with vitamin С and amino acids in patients with involutional skin changes. Methods. As many as 90 female patients underwent a course of treatment for age-related skin changes including three procedures of intradermal injections of modified HA. The skin condition was assessed prior to and after the treatment by using non-invasive methods (corneometry, pH-metry, sebometry, elastometry, visio-scanning, ultrasonic derma-scanning and confocal laser scanning microscopy). Results. The authors demonstrated good tolerance of modified HA and skin condition improvement (better elasticity, moisture level, improvement of the skin structure and microrelief, reduction in the intensity of expression and static wrinkles, restoration of color uniformity and elimination of xerosis manifestations). Conclusion. The study results are sufficient to recommend modified HA drugs for correcting involutional skin changes.
Vestnik dermatologii i venerologii. 2013;89(5):152-159

Fifth All-Russian Congress of Dermatovenerologists and Cosmetologists
Vestnik dermatologii i venerologii. 2013;89(5):160-164