Vol 100, No 3 (2024)
- Year: 2024
- Published: 11.07.2024
- Articles: 9
- URL: https://vestnikdv.ru/jour/issue/view/109
- DOI: https://doi.org/10.25208/vdv.1003
Full Issue
Hidradenitis suppurativa: review of international clinical guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment of the disease
Background. Hidradenitis suppurativa hidradenitis is a chronic recurrent inflammatory skin disease that develops after puberty and is characterized by the appearance of recurrent painful nodes, abscesses, the formation of fistula passages and scars on skin areas rich in apocrine sweat glands. Treatment of purulent hidradenitis is aimed at suppressing inflammation, relieving pain, preventing the formation of fistulas and scars.
The objectives of this review. Summarize the information in the published international clinical guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment of purulent hidradenitis, their comprehensive assessment and comparison with each other.
Methods. In the period from December 2022 to February 2023, scientific articles were searched in the PubMed database of the National Center for Biotechnological Information. Inclusion criteria: scientific articles in English, without date restrictions; interdisciplinary publications of specialists in which dermatovenereologists participated.
Results. The analysis of the existing relevant international clinical recommendations for the diagnosis and treatment of purulent hidradenitis indicates the absence of specific treatment schemes and algorithms, criteria for evaluating the effectiveness of therapy. In the treatment of purulent hidradenitis, the use of external keratolytics, antiseptics and antibiotics is recommended. Among systemic drugs, antibiotics, retinoids, immunosuppressive agents, hormonal drugs are used. The highest therapeutic efficacy in patients with purulent hidradenitis was shown by genetically engineered drugs that inhibit TNF-α and IL-17A.
Conclusions. Patients with purulent hidradenitis require various treatment approaches, including a variety of surgical interventions, depending on the stage, severity, prescription of the disease and the general condition of the patient. The basic principle is the individual selection of the treatment method for a particular patient. In this regard, there is a need to develop domestic clinical guidelines for the management of patients with purulent hidradenitis.

Grover’s disease — current understanding of transient and persistent acantholytic dermatosis
Grover’s disease is a papulo-vesicular pruritic dermatosis characterized by a transient, persistent, or asymptomatic course. We have analyzed the publications found in the PubMed and RSCI scientific literature databases between 1970 and 2022. The clinical manifestations of Grover’s disease, possible localization, etiological factors, and the histological and dermatoscopic picture of the disease are described. According to the literature, the putative associations with disease onset are highly variable and include insolation, pregnancy, hemodialysis, chemotherapy, sweating, a number of dermatoses, and a history of malignancy and organ transplantation. Seasonality of the process has also been described. To date, nine histologic patterns of the disease have been described, the most common being acantholytic dyskeratosis.

Analysis of the consistency of doctors’ opinions in the assessment of dermatoscopic images of actinic keratosis, Bowen’s disease, keratoacanthoma and squamous cell cancer
Background. Squamous cell skin cancer (SCSC) is the most dangerous tumor of all non-melanocytic skin neoplasms due to its aggressive course with destructive growth and frequent metastasis. Another characteristic feature of SCSC is the presence of precancerous conditions such as actinic keratosis, arsenic keratosis and PUVA-keratosis. In the gradual increase in the degree of keratinocyte dysplasia to the development of invasive forms of skin malignancies, the following continuum of diseases can be distinguished: actinic keratosis — Bowen’s disease — keratoacanthoma — SCSC. Dermatoscopic signs of each of the listed nosologies can also occur in other diseases of this chain, which can complicate diagnosis and lead to erroneous patient management tactics.
Aim. To determine the consistency of dermatologists’ opinions in assessing dermatoscopic images of actinic keratosis, Bowen’s disease, keratoacanthoma and SCSC, depending on work experience.
Methods. The study was conducted on the basis of the Scientific and Practical Center for the Diagnosis and Treatment of Skin Tumors of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution “PIMU” of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation. Based on the literature data, we compiled a generalized list of possible dermatoscopic signs of actinic keratosis, Bowen’s disease, keratoacanthoma, SCSC and analyzed dermatoscopic images of 85 elements of actinic keratosis, 28 — of Bowen’s disease, 10 — of keratoacanthoma and 24 — of SCSC. 10 dermatovenerologists participated in the study, half of whom (Group 1) had experience in the field of dermatoscopy for more than 4 years, and the other half (Group 2) — for less than 4 years.
Results. The study reveals statistically significant deviations in the frequencies of dermatoscopic signs between the two groups of specialists when analyzing images of actinic keratosis and Bowen’s disease. Differences in the frequency of detection of keratoacanthoma and SCSC signs between specialists with more than 4 years of experience in the field of dermatoscopy and less than 4 years’ experience have not been found.
Conclusion. Taking into account the average number of signs, the statistically justified result of the analysis is the inference that the average group frequencies in Group 1 and Group 2 are equal. The conclusion is that the opinions of specialists in the field of dermatoscopy are highly consistent, regardless of work experience. This indicates the high diagnostic value of the method, despite its subjective nature.

Comparative evaluation of the effectiveness of balneotherapy and balneotherapy in combination with intravenous laser irradiation of blood at the period of spa treatment of patients with psoriasis
Background. Psoriasis is one of the most common, chronic, recurrent dermatoses. To date, a sufficient pool of studies has been accumulated confirming the multifactorial genesis of psoriasis due to genetic and environmental factors.
Aim. Сomparative assessment of the effect of different options for spa treatment (ST) balneotherapy and balneotherapy in combination with intravenous laser blood irradiation (ILBI) in patients with psoriasis vulgaris on the level of IL-6 and IL-17, dermatological and psycho-emotional status, assessment of quality of life.
Methods. The comparative study involved 108 patients with psoriasis vulgaris, stationary stage (men — 57.4%, women — 42.6%; the average age was 36.2 [24.5; 47.9] years) who underwent spa treatment, which were subsequently divided into 2 groups: 52 patients who received balneotherapy along with the traditional complex of ST were included in the 1 group, 56 patients who received complex treatment were included in the 2 group. The effectiveness of ST was evaluated using the PASI index, the HARS and HDRS scale, the SF-36 questionnaire. The dynamics of IL-6 and IL-10 levels in blood plasma were evaluated. The total duration of the study was 6 months and 14 days: the treatment phase was 14 days and the follow-up phase was 3 and 6 months after the completion of ST.
Results. After 14 days of ST in the group in which balneotherapy was performed in combination with IVBI, a statistically significant decrease in the PASI index was more pronounced compared to the group in which balneotherapy was performed (p). Balneotherapy did not have a pronounced effect on psychoemotional status. On the contrary, balneotherapy in combination with ILBI contributed to a statistically significant decrease in the final indicators on the HARS and HDRS scales. The decrease in IL-6 and IL-17 levels was statistically significant in both groups and there were no differences between them. The complex use of balneotherapy and ILBI in comparison with the group of balneotherapy was accompanied by a more pronounced improvement in QOL. The combined use of balneotherapy and ILBI in the follow-up phase showed a long-term positive effect: 6 months after the completion of ST, the number of patients who had clinical remission was statistically significantly higher compared to the group in which balneotherapy was performed (87.4 vs. 44.7%).
Conclusion. The advantage of the combined use of balneotherapy and ILBI compared with balneotherapy in patients with psoriasis vulgaris on CL was shown. The complex use of balneotherapy and ILBI of significant indicators of inflammatory biomarkers, improvement of the dermatological and psycho-emotional state, quality of life parameters and good overpopulation. More pronounced effectiveness of the complex use of balneotherapy and ILBI compared to balneotherapy of the quality, diversity of pathophysiological mechanisms of psoriasis and the presence of several targets for pathogenetic therapy.

Features of psoriasis treatment with infection COVID-19
Background. Today, one of the difficult tasks in modern dermatology is the management of patients with chronic dermatoses, including psoriasis, due to a new coronavirus infection. The general condition of the patients, as well as concomitant therapy for the underlying disease, may subsequently produce severe side effects and complicate the treatment of concomitant skin pathology in patients in this category.
Aim. The purpose of our study was to optimize the treatment of patients with psoriasis against the background of COVID-19 infection.
Methods. Our study included 34 patients with psoriasis who were hospitalized at the Zangiota Clinical Hospital, specializing in patients with COVID-19 infection from 2020 to 2022. Also, all patients were divided according to the severity of the underlying disease according to the “Temporary recommendations for the management of patients infected with COVID-19”, fifth version of 2020. The severity of the psoriatic process was assessed using the PASI index.
Results. If patients have a psoriatic process, it is more rational to use biological drugs for the treatment of COVID-19 infection due to the absence of exacerbation of the psoriatic process in dynamics.
Conclusion. Treatment of patients with COVID-19 infection with casivirimab + imdevimab showed a positive effect on the dynamics of skin elements and the absence of relapses during three months of observation. While standard therapy for coronavirus infection gives a good regression of skin elements on the 10th day of therapy, after a month there is a progression of the skin process, the appearance of itching and new elements of psoriasis.

Clinical experience of outpatient treatment of bacterial skin infections in children
Data regarding the role of cutaneous microbiome in physiological and pathological conditions, pharmacological properties of fusidic acid and its clinical use for the treatment of skin infections are presented in the article. Incidence of skin infections in children treated in children’s city polyclinic No. 1 of Izhevsk city through 2019–2022 are analyzed. Outcomes of the treatment of these patients with topical fusidic acid preparations are presented. Due to high activity against typical cutaneous bacterial pathogens including MRSA strains of Staphylococcus aureus, favorable safety profile and pharmacokinetic profile when topically applied along with low resistance of the key pathogens fusidic acid preparations are the first line treatment of primary and secondary pyodermas.

Hidradenitis suppurativa as seen by the patient
Background. Hidradenitis suppurativa (HS) is a common disease that significantly reduces the quality of life of patients of reproductive age, while its exact prevalence is unknown in most countries due to untimely and poor-quality diagnosis.
Aim. In order to clarify the prevalence of HS, an analysis of the structure of newly identified cases of this disease was carried out in the conditions of the consultative and diagnostic center of the State Research Center of Dermatovenereology and Cosmetology of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation for the period 2008–2021 inclusive. In order to study the characteristics of the course of HS, its impact on behavior and receipt of medical care from the patient’s point of view, an anonymous quantitative online survey of patients was conducted. The patient questionnaire “Shin a light on hidradenitis” was used as a basis.
Methods. Аnonymous quantitative online survey of patients was conducted. The patient questionnaire “Shin a light on hidradenitis” was used as a basis.
Results. For the period 2008–2021 exclusively under the section “L73 Other diseases of the hair follicles”, 765 cases were diagnosed in the State Scientific Center for Disease Control and Prevention (0.36% of the total number of all newly diagnosed cases). The diagnosis of GG (ICD code L73.2) was first established only in 59 cases (about 8% of identified cases using code L73). 1035 respondents took part in the survey. The survey revealed that patients with HS are worried about: 66% — swelling, 55% — pain, 38% — purulent discharge and/or blood, 25% of patients note a disturbing look. Most patients rated the severity of pain as moderate (29%) and low (29%) pain, severe and very severe pain — 12 and 7% respectively. Among the treatments used for HH, patients recommended: antibiotics (34%), opening and drainage (32%), prescription corticosteroid creams/ointments (11%), and biologics (4%). In 44% of patients, a visit to a doctor to provide qualified assistance continues; 18% of patients are observed by one doctor (dermatologist and/or surgeon); 9% of patients visited 2–3 doctors before receiving the necessary help.
Conclusion. All over the world, the “search” for a specialist who will correctly diagnose, prescribe adequate treatment and accompany its long process is still a complex and unsolved task. In order to improve the quality of medical care for patients with HH, it is necessary to develop and implement domestic clinical recommendations, as well as the development and implementation of educational programs for interested specialists.

Valproic acid induced Stevens–Johnson syndrome
A 27-year-old transgender female at the stage of gender transition with bipolar disorder for which she received valproic acid developed multiple petechial rashes on the chest, upper and lower extremities, local erythematous lesions with forming blisters, large-platelet peeling on the face, neck, chest and inguinal area, erosion on the oral mucosa. She was diagnosed with drug eruption, Stevens–Johnson syndrome. The diagnosis was verified on the basis of complaints, medical history, clinical picture, laboratory findings. Treatment included valproic acid withdrawal, dexamethasone, infusion therapy, vancomycin, cyclosporine A. Against the background of the therapy, skin condition was improved: there was the epithelization of ulcerative defects and the absence of new elements.

Psoriasis in pediatric dermatological clinical practice: diagnosis and management
The relevance of this topic is confirmed by the widespread psoriasis prevalence. Psoriasis in children has severe forms growth and diagnostic difficulties. It is crucially important to examine histologically the skin especially in pediatric dermatological clinical practice. According to our observations Pityriasis Rubra Pilaris has become one of the most frequent dermatoses with which differential diagnosis of psoriasis has to be carried out. A clinical dermatosis observation in a 13-year-old girl is described. The disease was similar to the manifestations of Pityriasis Rubra Pilaris. The results of the affected skin biopsy study did not exclude this diagnosis. The clinical and morphological manifestations of the dermatosis could be effected by steroid therapy. Subsequent dynamic observation and histological examination allowed us to diagnose psoriasis. Current data is collected and presented. The choice of external therapy in pediatric practice is a controversial topic. Clinical results of the Activated Zinc Pyrithion external forms use in the psoriasis treatment are presented.