Vol 99, No 2 (2023)
- Year: 2023
- Published: 17.05.2023
- Articles: 9
- URL: https://vestnikdv.ru/jour/issue/view/102
- DOI: https://doi.org/10.25208/vdv.992
Full Issue
Advancements in clinical developments in neo/adjuvant drug therapy for resectable melanoma: ASCO Annual Congress – June 2022
In the structure of the incidence of skin tumors, melanoma accounts for a relatively smaller percentage, but that disease is associated with higher risk of an adverse outcome compared with many other malignancies.
The study of innovative clinical developments in drug therapy for resectable melanoma, presented at the American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting — June 2022.
The best clinical developments in drug treatment of patients with resectable melanoma were selected for analysis: 1) phase 3 study KEYNOTE-716; 2) PRADO; 3) Neo Trio; 4) SWOG 1512. The presented developments bring extremely promising results for melanoma therapy workflows.
The use of cutting-edge anti-cancer therapeutics acting on various molecular targets drastically improves the tumor response as well as straitens the appearance of treatment-related adverse events.

The possibilities of using retinol palmitate in the systemic treatment of generalized hereditary keratinization disorders
Hereditary ichthyosis is a group of generalized hereditary keratinization disorders characterized by general dryness of the skin, peeling, hyperkeratosis and often erythroderma. These manifestations are caused by mutations in genes mainly involved in the formation of the skin barrier. Hereditary ichthyosis is divided into syndromic and non-syndromic. Nonsyndromic ichthyoses include: vulgar ichthyosis, recessive X-linked ichthyosis, autosomal recessive congenital ichthyosis, keratinopathic ichthyosis and other forms. At present, the best result for achieving clinical remission has been established with oral retinoids: retinol palmitate, isotretinoin (1st generation of retinoids) and acitretin (2nd generation of retinoids). The ability of retinol palmitate to regulate keratinization processes, strengthen the epidermal barrier and have an antioxidant effect is used in the treatment of generalized hereditary keratinization disorders. Medium and high therapeutic doses (2000–10 000 IU/kg/day) are used in the treatment. The prescribed dose of retinol palmitate differs in various nosological forms of ichthyosis, and depends on the severity of the pathological process, the age and weight of the patient, which must be taken into account when prescribing therapy to obtain the best result. It should be noted that clinical manifestations mainly regress at doses that do not lead to the appearance of signs of toxicity of the drug. The methods of retinol palmitate treatment of ichthyosis and ichthyosiform erythroderma are described.

A prospective open-label study of the antifungal activity of external forms of activated zinc pyrithione in the treatment of Malassezia-associated skin diseases
Background. There is insufficient data on the antifungal activity of activated zinc pyrithione, which is widely used in practice. Taking into account the reports about a significant role of Malassezia in the pathogenesis of a number of dermatoses, the study of this issue is of scientific, practical interest.
Aims. To evaluate the antifungal activity of external forms of activated zinc pyrithione in the treatment of psoriasis, seborrheic dermatitis, pityriasis versicolor.
Materials and methods. An open prospective study was conducted between March and July 2022. Patients with psoriasis, seborrheic dermatitis, pityriasis were treated with external forms of activated zinc pyrithione for 21 days. Skin scales and circular prints from lesion foci, as well as from skin areas without clinical manifestations before and after therapy were studied. A quantitative assessment of skin colonization by micromycetes of Malassezia was performed using microscopic, cultural methods of examination. Clinical efficacy and drug safety of the therapy was assessed using the Dermatological Symptom Scale Index, by recording adverse events at weeks 0, 1, 2, 3.
Results. 64 patients aged 18 to 65 years with diagnoses of psoriasis, seborrheic dermatitis, and pityriasis versicolor were included. 60 patients completed the study, 4 were excluded due to failure to adhere to the schedule.
In patients with seborrheic dermatitis and pityriasis versicolor in the lesion foci after therapy, a significant decrease colonization level according to the results of microscopic, cultural studies was observed. In psoriasis patients, a significant decrease in the colonization level was obtained only based on the results of microscopic examination.
In all groups, significant differences in comparison to the initial level were registered already at the 1st week of treatment. No adverse events were registered.
Conclusion. Activated zinc pyrithione in the form of cream and aerosol showed moderate antifungal activity against micromycetes of the genus Malassezia.

A case of combination of severe atopic dermatitis, dermatogenic cataract and glaucoma
Patient A., aged 23, was admitted with a diagnosis of atopic dermatitis with complaints of widespread rashes accompanied by intense itching. Skin manifestations: erythroderma, xeroderma, excoriations, persistent white dermographism. The conclusion of the ophthalmologist: rhegmatogenous retinal detachment, complicated cataract, ophthalmohypertension of the right eye; hemophthalmos, complicated overmature cataract, terminal neovascular glaucoma of the left eye. A diagnosis of Andogsky's syndrome was made. He received treatment: prednisolone 60 mg per day parenterally for 14 days, methotrexate at a dose of 10 mg weekly, Reamberin, folic acid 5 mg weekly, asparcam, aevit, enterosorbents, ointments and creams with corticosteroids and moisturizers. As a result of treatment, hyperemia, infiltration, peeling and itching of the skin decreased. It is recommended to continue taking methotrexate, folic acid, prednisolone (5 mg daily) and asparkam on an outpatient basis; externally — moisturizing and softening creams and ointments. The patient has been referred for a medical and social examination and is preparing to be transferred to the treatment with genetically engineered biological drugs.

Primary multiple malignant skin tumors: melanoma and basal cell carcinoma
The incidence of skin melanoma in the world is growing every year. Despite advances in diagnostics, the identification of the primary focus of melanoma in some cases is still difficult. The natural course sometimes manifests only with the appearance of melanoma metastases, which can mimic other diseases. Patient S., 52 years old, was admitted to the FCBRN of FMBA of Russia with complaints on periodic systemic dizziness, headaches of a pressing nature, episodes of speech impairment over the past three months. According to the brain MRI-scan results, a volumetric formation of the left frontal lobe was revealed. Upon examination, two non-pigmented lesions were found on the skin of the scalp and forehead. Due to the presence of focal neurological symptoms, it was decided to remove the brain tumor using neurophysiological monitoring and the scalp skin lesion, with histological verification. Morphological diagnosis of the removed brain tumor was a metastasis of amelanotic epithelioid melanoma. The skin lesion was basal cell carcinoma. Thus, the patient had primarily multiple malignant tumors: metastatic melanoma and basal cell carcinoma. The primary focus of melanoma could not be identified by available noninvasive research methods. The patient was referred to an oncologist to decide on the tactics of further examination and treatment. To date, the patient has been treated according to the scheme sh0876 1 line 1 course of pembrolizumab 400 mg IV, cycle 42 days.

Delayed positivity of serological reactions in secondary syphilis against the background of severe HIV-induced immunosuppression
In recent decades, there has been an increase in syphilis associated with HIV infection cases, especially among men who have sex with men. The global prevalence of syphilitic infection among people living with HIV exceeds population rates. Concomitant HIV infection can affect not just the clinical course of syphilis, but also the production of antibodies to Treponema pallidum. In the presence of severe immunodeficiency in patients with HIV infection associated with secondary syphilis, the results of non-treponemal and/or treponemal tests may be false-negative or may become positive at a later date. Such cases are known, they occur infrequently and cause some diagnostic difficulties. The article presents a clinical observation of delayed positivity of serological reactions in secondary syphilis in a 23-year-old HIV-positive man from the authors' practice. The tactic of managing HIV-infected patients with clinical symptoms of the secondary period syphilis and negative results of serological tests is discussed.

Pyoderma gangrenosum mimicking granulomatosis with polyangiitis: case report and riview of the literature
Pyoderma gangrenosum is an autoinflammatory neutrophilic dermatosis. Diagnosis of the disease remains a difficult task to date, due to the lack of a standard of examination and differential diagnostic signs. The primary elements in the development of PG may be papules, pustules or bullae the dissection of which subsequently leads to the formation of ulcers with irregular, violaceous, undermined borders. In rare cases, the diagnosis of the disease can also be complicated by the rapid development of internal organs damage symptoms, which must be regarded as extracutaneous manifestations of PG. Extracutaneous lesions can occur before, during or after the appearance of skin rashes, and the detection of sterile neutrophil infiltrates in the defeat of internal organs confirm the concept of PG as a multisystemic disease. The presented case of a rare course of PG with multiple skin lesions and extracutaneous manifestations, simulating systemic vasculitis, emphasizes the importance of a detailed examination of patients in order to make a correct diagnosis and prescribe timely adequate treatment.

Giant nodular basal cell skin cancer
The article presents clinical case report of primary giant nodular basal cell skin cancer in two patients at the age of 64 and 68 years and with disease duration of 20 and 15 years respectively. Psychological status of fear and anxiety are considered the main reasons for the late health encounter.
The clinical picture of the case report was characterized by a slow long-term asymptomatic growth of solitary tumor-like mushroom-shaped nodes of stagnant pink color with a bumpy surface, densely elastic consistency, adherent to underlying soft tissues and sized 9.5 × 7.0 cm and 5.0 × 9.0 cm respectively. Giant basaliomas were located on the scalp in a woman and on the trunk skin in a man. The clinical tumors features are corresponded to those of a large conglomerated basal cell skin cancer. The article also presents a description of the clinical and dermatoscopic picture of giant nodular basaliomas.
The patients underwent curative surgical excision of tumors with pathomorphological examination of the postoperative material. The histological picture of giant basal cell carcinoma in both cases is represented by tumors of a complex structure, namely a solid adenoid type with invasion into the reticular dermis and subcutaneous fat. The low biological potential of giant nodular basaliomas has been established.

Nina Petrovna Toropova