Vol 100, No 2 (2024)
- Year: 2024
- Published: 20.05.2024
- Articles: 11
- URL: https://vestnikdv.ru/jour/issue/view/108
- DOI: https://doi.org/10.25208/vdv.1002
Full Issue
The role of exosomes in the diagnostics and treatment of immune mediated skin disoders, wounds and alopecia
Exosomes are microvesicles secreted by different cells that have the specificity and ability to transfer their cargo, including various regulatory molecules, to other cells. Exosomes cargo analysis considered to be a promising approach for diagnostics and therapeutic agents delivery into cells. Molecules derived from exosome cargo supposed to be plausible diagnostics criteria. This review provides up-to-date information on the exosomes origin and composition followed by a description of their diagnostic potential. New data summarized on the possibilities of exosomes application for the treatment of chronic immune-mediated cutaneous disorders, alopecia and cutaneous wound healing.

Hidradenitis suppurativa: definition, epidemiology, etiology, diagnosis (part 1)
Hidradenitis suppurativa (HS) is a chronic recurrent skin disease characterized by development of autoimmune inflammation in the infundibulum of the hair follicle and apocrine sweat glands located in the axillary, inguinal, anogenital regions, submammary folds, near the areola of mammary glands and the umbilical region. HS is difficult to treat and has an extremely negative impact on the quality of life. HS is separated into a distinct clinical entity fundamentally different in etiopathogenesis from acute bacterial hidradenitis. The exact prevalence of HS is unknown, it varies greatly in different studies ranging from 0.03 to 4% in general population. The detection of IL-1β, IL-23, and IL-17 in the lesions indicates the key role of autoimmune inflammation involving Th17-lymphocytes in the pathogenesis of HS. Risk factors include smoking, obesity, mechanical friction, genetic predisposition. The diagnosis of HS relies on three obligatory criteria: characteristic distribution, typical morphology of the lesions and relapsing, chronic disease course. There is no “gold standard” in assessing the severity of the disease, since all available scoring systems have many limitations, therefore many questions regarding this disease remain unsolved at present — from terminology and clear and most objective assessment criteria for the severity of the process to the development of native clinical guidelines.

DNA methylation profile and expression of the phyllagrin gene in patients with atopic dermatitis: case-control study
Background. Atopic dermatitis (AD) is one of the most common inflammatory skin diseases, affecting up to 20.0% of children and 2.0–8.0% of adults worldwide. Patients with atopic dermatitis usually have dry skin and itching, they are at higher risk of developing asthma, as well as allergic rhinitis. Features of the clinical course of AD are associated with both interaction of genes and influence of environmental factors. Studying epigenetic mechanisms could provide understanding of the most likely mechanisms by which environmental factors influence gene expression and contribute to the development of AD. The aim of the study is to conduct a comprehensive molecular genetic analysis (assessment of the level of global DNA methylation and expression of the filaggrin gene (FLG) in patients with moderate to severe AD. Material and methods: The case-control study was conducted from January 2022, through June 2022. A total of 32 patients with AD and 6 healthy volunteers were recruited. The level of global DNA methylation in the blood of patients with AD and healthy individuals was assessed. The FLG expression was measured by polymerase chain reaction in the leukocyte fraction of blood. A three-stage cycle is used during PCR. To determine the expression level of the FLG gene, total RNA was isolated, followed by a reverse transcription, amplification, and detection reaction.
Results. A hypermethylation of the genome in patients with AD is 2.3 times higher than the methylation of genome in controls (p = 0.003),it was also found that the expression level of the FLG gene (exon 3, position 7–8, and exon 1) in the leukocyte fraction of blood in patients with AD did not significantly differ from the control group (p = 0.41).
Conclusion. The current study found that the epigenome of AD patients differs from healthy individuals. The study of pathogenetic mechanisms is the basis for the development of new methods of targeted therapy for this socially significant dermatosis.

Efficacy and safety of the combined drug (5% benzoyl peroxide / 1% clindamycin) in the treatment of acne: results of an open randomized comparative clinical study
Background. Acne is one of the most common dermatoses, the presence of which significantly reduces the quality of life of patients. For patients with inflammatory, comedonal or combined acne, the external use of fixed combinations is a first-line therapy.
Aims. To study the efficacy and safety of the Zerkalin Intensive (benzoyl peroxide + clindamycin) in the treatment of acne in comparison with the Effezel (adapalene + benzoyl peroxide).
Methods. An open comparative clinical study included 60 patients with acne of varying severity: group 1 — 30 patients received therapy with Zerkalin Intensive, group 2 — 30 patients received therapy with Effezel 1 time a day in the evening. The effectiveness of therapy was evaluated 2 weeks, 1, 2 and 3 months after the start of treatment.
Results. After 1 month of therapy, there was a significant improvement (resolution of elements by at least 70%) in 9 (30%) patients of the group 1 and in 9 (30%) patients of the group 2 (p = 1.000); improvement (decrease in the severity of the pathological process by at least 25%) — in 12 (40%) and 18 (60%) patients, respectively (p = 0.106). After 2 months of using Zerkalin Intensive and Effezel, complete resolution of rashes was observed in 11 (36.7%) and 6 (20%), respectively (p = 0.395); significant improvement in 13 (43.3%) and 11 (36.7%) patients (p = 0.628); improvement in 6 (20%) and 13 (43.3%), respectively. After 3 months complete resolution of rashes was observed in 24 (80%) patients of the group 1 and in 12 (40%) patients of the group 2 (p = 0.088); significant improvement in 5 (16.7%) and 11 (36.6%) patients (p = 0.236); improvement in 1 (3.3%) and 7 (23.3%) patients, respectively. Against the background of the use of Effezel, 20 (66.7%) patients showed the appearance of slight dry skin and redness. No side effects were detected when using the Zerkalin Intensive.
Conclusions. A comparable high efficiency of Zerkalin Intensive and Effezel in acne therapy has been established. Use of Zerkalin Intensive made it possible to achieve the onset of a full clinical effect and a significant improvement in the clinical picture in a larger number of patients and in a shorter time.

Determination of molecular types and resistance to macrolides in Treponema pallidum isolates isolated in the Russian Federation
Background. The number of syphilis cases in the Russian Federation increased significantly in 2022. Control of heterogeneity of Treponema pallidum subtypes is important to monitor the emergence and spread of antibiotic-resistant strains
Aims. To determine molecular subtypes and resistance to macrolides in T. pallidum isolates isolated in the Russian Federation in 2022.
Methods. We analyzed DNA isolated from 49 samples of clinical material obtained from patients from dermatovenerological treatment and prevention facilities in three federal districts (CFD, SFD, SCFD) of the Russian Federation in 2022 with diagnoses of primary syphilis and secondary syphilis. T. pallidum DNA isolation and confirmation of the presence of genetic material were performed according to the existing algorithms. To search for genetic determinants of resistance to macrolides, a fragment of the 23S rRNA gene was analyzed. Primary decoding of nucleotide sequences was performed in Sequencing Analysis 5.3.1. Mega 11 program was used to align the analyzed fragments of target genes to T. pallidum reference sequences.
Results. In 2022, three subtypes of T. pallidum were identified in the territory of the represented federal districts of the Russian Federation: 14d/f, 14d/g, 14d/d with continued dominance of subtype 14d/f. The macrolide-resistant subtype 14d/d was identified in two federal districts, which is new for the Russian Federation.
Conclusions. The population of T. pallidum continues to expand in the Russian Federation, including the emergence of azithromycin-resistant strains. The data obtained confirm the need for continuous monitoring of circulating strains and may facilitate understanding of their geographic distribution.

The possibilities of using injectables in the treatment of atrophic scars
Atrophic scars are a common complication that accompanies the healing of vulgar acne. The condition is quite widespread among young people, and their physical and psychological consequences with improper treatment can persist throughout life. There are many therapies for atrophic scars, but limited efficacy and high frequency of side effects limit use of these methods. For optimal treatment of a patient’s scar, it is necessary to predict which treatment will prtovide the most satisfactory result in the short period of time with the minimum number of side effects. Analysis of numerous studies shows that there is no panacea for the treatment of atrophic scars, which explains the developing trend towards the development of combined treatment methods. The purpose of our review is to analyze injectable methods of therapy for atrophic scars with an emphasis on the latest achievements of the previous decade, since in recent years these methods have shown themselves not only as one of the most successful in therapy, but also, according to most authors, there is a huge potential to increase the efficacy of treatment in severe cases. Although, it is difficult to make an unbiased comparison of each therapy method due to the different sample sizes of studies, the strength of evidence, the specifics of therapy and other factors, nevertheless, there is a possibility of reaching consensus on which treatment methods are optimally suited for certain types of scars. This should be an absolute determining factor for choosing the best therapeutic strategy, whether it is monotherapy or combination therapy, in the treatment of atrophic scars with minimum side effects.

Experience of using genetic engineering biological therapy in a patient with psoriasis and chronic renal failure under hemodialysis
Psoriasis is a chronic immune-associated disease of a multifactorial nature. The prevalence of the disease, chronic course, impact on the patient’s quality of life, as well as the connection with the risk of progression of various comorbid conditions necessitate a detailed and comprehensive approach to the treatment of this group of patients. There has been a correlation of psoriasis with the risk of many comorbid pathologies, such as psoriatic arthritis, metabolic syndrome, liver and kidney disorders. There is evidence in the literature about the relationship between chronic renal failure and psoriasis, but the data are limited and require further study. According to Russian clinical guidelines, for moderate and severe forms of psoriasis, the prescription of systemic immunosuppressive therapy, targeted and genetically engineered biological drugs is indicated. Of particular interest is the determination of management tactics and selection of therapy if a patient with psoriasis has concomitant pathology due to the lack of a sufficient number of safety studies taking into account this or that comorbidity. We present the data known to us from a literature review on the stated problem. In view of the need to expand the data of real clinical practice on the possible risks of managing patients with psoriasis, we present a description of our own clinical experience of using the inhibitor interleukin 17A in a patient with chronic renal failure and hemodialysis.

Darier–White’s follicular dyskeratosis. Experience of successful therapy
Darier–White’s follicular dyskeratosis is an autosomal dominant hereditary dermatosis, which is based on pathological keratinization due to impaired adhesion between keratinocytes, manifested mainly in the form of hyperkeratotic follicular papules on seborrheic areas of the skin. Therapy of rare genodermatosis still presents difficulties in the tactics of choosing a treatment method for each individual patient. Currently, there are no regulated methods of treating this disease. Isotretinoin is a well-studied drug, the profile points of application of which are moderate and severe forms of acne, rosacea, but recently indications for the use of isotretinoin have been increasing. In this article presents a clinical case of Darier–White’s follicular dyskeratosis and demonstrates the successful experience of therapy of rare genodermatosis with isotretinoin.

A rare case of classic Kaposi’s sarcoma with a lesion of the oral mucosa
Kaposi’s sarcoma is a systemic tumor multifocal disease of vascular genesis. In the classic Kaposi’s sarcoma, lesions are most often localized on the skin of the lower extremities, lesions of the mucous membranes are extremely rare. The article presents a rare clinical case of the classic Kaposi’s sarcoma in a 56 years old man with lesions of the oral mucosa. This clinical case is of particular interest due to the difficulties of differential diagnosis of Kaposi’s sarcoma and lichen planus when mucous membranes are involved in the pathological process. The presented case emphasizes the importance of a histological examination of the biopsy in differential diagnosis of Kaposi’s sarcoma. In case when the rash is widespread and the mucous membranes are involved, it is recommended to collect the material from the skin, because the histological picture will be more characteristic. It is important to pay attention to the duration of the elements’ existence, as morphological diagnosis in the early stages of Kaposi’s sarcoma can imitate the pattern of chronic dermatosis.

Lymphomatoid papulosis. Case in pediatric dermatological clinical practice
A clinical case of lymphomatoid papulosis in a 10-year-old boy is described, clinically characterized by the presence of ulcerating nodes that resolve with the atrophy formation. The patient’s differential diagnostic workup included cutaneous anaplastic large cell lymphoma, cutaneous tuberculosis, polyarteritis nodosa, erythema nodosum, deep lupus erythematosus, and alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency. Based on the history, clinical picture, as well as laboratory and instrumental studies, the patient was diagnosed with lymphomatoid papulosis. During the examination, no concomitant neoplastic diseases were identified in the patient. All elements resolved with the outcome being hyperpigmented spots and atrophy. To date, the relapse-free period of the disease in the patient is 10 months.

Perioral dermatitis: nuances of the clinical picture and therapy in different age periods
Perioral dermatitis is a common dermatosis that predominantly affects women aged 25–40 but is also observed in children and adolescents. The distinct localization of this condition in the perioral, perinasal, and periocular zones contributes to apparent psycho-emotional distress, markedly impairing patients’ quality of life. Perturbations in the skin biotope, local immune dysregulation, and topical glucocorticosteroid use are among the primary etiological factors. Effective management involves addressing causative factors, discontinuation of topical steroids, adopting gentle skincare practices, and employing localized treatments like metronidazole, pimcrolimus, and activated zinc pyrithione. Maintenance therapy may be warranted in select cases. The purpose of this work is to review the current literature on the problem and to present original clinical observations concerning the utilization of activated zinc pyrithione in treating patients with this condition. The article presents the results of the use of topical activated zinc pyrithione in patients spanning various age groups and exhibiting diverse degrees of perioral dermatitis severity. Significant clinical evidence substantiates the remarkable efficacy and safety profile of activated zinc pyrithione in managing perioral dermatitis, both as a standalone therapeutic modality and as an integral component of combination therapy. The use of activated zinc pyrithione in the treatment of perioral dermatitis emerges as an efficacious and secure approach for treating mild to moderate forms of the condition.