
The manifestation of discoid lupus erythematosus on the scalp
Dzhavaeva D.G., Bazaev V.T., Kobaidze L.M., Pashinyan A.G.
Poikilodermic form of mycosis fungoides in a young patient with a good clinical response to UV therapy
Burtseva N.Y., Melnikova T.V., Monakhov .N., Sokolovskiy E.V.
Recurrence of acne after treatment with systemic isotretinoin: causes and methods of prevention
Tlish M.M., Shavilova M.E.
Skin lesion of external auditory canal in a patient with seborrheic dermatitis
Dvornikov A.S., Kriukov A.I., Gaydina T.A., Shadrin G.B., Munzalevskaya Y.D., Patsap O.I.
Giant chancres of perigenital localization
Koshkin S.V., Evseeva A.L., Ryabova V.V., Pospelova K.Y.
Pyoderma gangrenosum mimicking granulomatosis with polyangiitis: case report and riview of the literature
Olisova O.Y., Teplyuk N.P., Grabovskaya O.V., Kusraeva D.T., Kayumova L.N., Bobkova A.E., Varshavsky V.A., Komleva L.F., Petrenko E.V., Bobrova K.Y.
A rare case of follicular sarcoidosis
Gritskova I.A., Gorbunov Y.G., Alferov K.I., Belousova I.E.
Valproic acid induced Stevens–Johnson syndrome
Somov D.V., Chernyaeva A.Y., Mazus V.A., Nurieva L.T., Bobrov M.A., Anichkov D.A.
Effectiveness of rituximab in the treatment of patients with pemphigus vulgarus
Karamova A.E., Znamenskaya L.F., Gorodnichev P.V., Krasnova K.I., Plotnikova E.U., Nefedova M.A., Girko E.V.
Psoriasis in pediatric dermatological clinical practice: diagnosis and management
Sidorenko O.A., Anisimova L.A., Starostenko V.V., Grebennikova S.V.
Difficult path to the diagnosis of chromomycosis
Melnikova T.V., Burtseva N.Y., Cheboksarova T.A., Sokolovskiy E.V.
Development of idiopathic eruptive macular pigmentation in an 11-year-old boy
Trofimov P.N., Vladislav K.R., Belousova I.E., Fedotova M.A.
Indeterminate dendritic cell tumor (IDCT)
Okladnikova E.V., Merk V.M., Krivopalov Y.А., Khorzhevskii V.А., Ruksha T.G.
Granulomatous variant rosacea. Patients treatment experience
Gallyamova Y.A.
Experience of using genetic engineering biological therapy in a patient with psoriasis and chronic renal failure under hemodialysis
Kulakova E.V., Rybalkin S.B.
A clinical case of the debut of pemphigus foliaceus against the background of vaccination against coronavirus infection (COVID-19)
Martynov A.A., Vlasova A.V., Svishchenko S. .
Anticytokine therapy with interleukin-17 in patients with moderate and severe psoriasis
Kovaleva J.S., Kazantsev I.V., Aibazova A.A., Ovchinnikova E.O., Garina A.A., Shabaldina A.P.
Primary multiple malignant skin tumors: melanoma and basal cell carcinoma
Gaydina T.A., Dvornikov A.S., Patsap O.I., Tairova R.T., Lange D.A.
Delayed positivity of serological reactions in secondary syphilis against the background of severe HIV-induced immunosuppression
Prozherin S.V., Podymova A.S.
Degos’s Disease: from a benign form to a malignant course
Nikolayeva K.I., Ufimtseva M.A., Bochkaryev Y.M., Tsaregorodtseva A.A., Gurkovskaya Y.P., Mylnikova Y.S., Matusevich S.L.
Darier–White’s follicular dyskeratosis. Experience of successful therapy
Drozhdina M.B., Bobro V.A., Derpalyuk E.N.
A patient with connective tissue dysplasia at a cosmetologist's appointment: features of diagnosis and management
Borzykh O.B.
Giant nodular basal cell skin cancer
Sedova T.G., Elkin V.D.
Annular elastolytic giant cell granuloma in a patient with Ehlers–Danlos syndrome
Gaydina T.A., Patsap O.I., Tairova R.T.
Clinical experience in managing patients with lymphogranuloma venereum
Plakhova X.I., Katunin G.L., Abuduyev N.K., Vasiliev M.M.
Granulomatous perioral dermatitis
Krasnova N.V., Gimalieva G.G., Sinitsyna L.G., Misyakova T.Y.
A new atypical form of lipoid necrobiosis not associated with diabetes mellitus. Clinical case and a brief review of the literature
Cheboksarov D.I., Molodykh K.J., Monakhov K.N., Sokolovskiy E.V.
Scleroderma-like form of lipoid necrobiosis in a patient with idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura
Perlamutrov Y.N., Svishchenko S.I., Pugner A.S.
Combined aorta and kidney injury in a patient with late visceral syphilis
Krasnoselskikh T.V., Povaliy X.I., Shved O.V., Bogdanova A.Y.
Squamous cell carcinoma in a patient with lichen planus of the oral mucosa
Kubanov A.A., Svishchenko S.I., Dontsova E.V., Mikhina V.A.
Paraneoplastic pembigus: clinical and diagnostic features
Karamova A.E., Znamenskaya L.F., Nefedova M.A., Mekhdieva E.S., Girko E.V.
Autoaggressive dermatoses in the practice of a dermatovenereologist
Ryabova V.V., Evseeva A.L., Koshkin S.V.
Linear IGA-dependent bullous dermatosis in a 2-year-old child
Karacheva Y.V., Ruksha T.G., Naumova A.S., Motorina A.V.
Anemia in early congenital syphilis
Vislobokov А.V., Khmel'nitskij R.A.
Long-term undiagnosed tuberous sclerosis
Varenova T.N., Goshadze V.A., Akutina D.I., Pomerantsev O.N.
Drug-induced cutaneous vasculitis developing during Etanercept treatment for rheumatoid arthritis
Chamurlieva M.N., Korsakova Y.L., Radenska-Lopovok S.G., Korotaeva T.V.
Syphilis in the practice of doctors of related specialties
Evseeva A.L., Ryabova V.V., Koshkin S.V., Kovrova O.S.
Borderline lepromatous leprosy with primary clinical manifestation in a patient with a long-term dermatological history
Yanchevskaya E.Y., Kovtunova V.A., Dumchenko E.V., Duiko V.V., Levicheva Y.Y.
Disease of the island of Meleda or keratoderma of Meleda
Abduvaxitova I.N., Toxtayev G.S., Safarov K.K.
Aggressive systemic mastocytosis with skin involvement, the type of generaled urticaria pigmentosa (clinical case)
Sokolovskiy E.V., Iastrebov V.V., Shcherbatykh A.V., Machulaitene E.R.
1 - 40 of 40 Items

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